Page 76 - Plastics News December 2016
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Mexichem buys Vinyl                                          Gurit acquires BASF's PET
Compounds Holdings                                           structural foam business

PVC resin and pipe maker Mexichem SAB de CV has              Zurich, Switzerland-based Gurit Holding AG, the
acquired UK based Vinyl Compounds Holdings Ltd. (VCHL).      composite parts and components group, has acquired
However the terms were not disclosed. Mexichem, whose        BASF SE's PET structural foam business for an undisclosed
headquarters are on the northern edge of Mexico City,        amount. The asset deal includes BASF's PET operations

said the acquisition will “provide us with access to new                                                             in Volpiano,
geographies and end markets.” According to reports VCHL                                                              I t a l y,
will be integrated into Mexichem’s Compounds Business                                                                including
Unit, a supplier of PVC compound solutions serving the                                                               its staff,
global market and part of the Company’s Vinyl Business                                                               operating
Group, which reported sales of $2 billion (approx. £1.6bn)                                                           assets and
for the twelve months ending September 30, 2016.                                                                     product IP.
                                                                                                                     The PET
Mexichem says the addition of Vinyl Compounds, which         operation saw sales in the region of a low single digit
achieves annual revenues of US$40 million (approx. £32m),    million of Swiss Francs in 2016. Swiss Francs are near
will expand its ability to meet global PVC compound          parity with U.S. dollars. The acquisition will see Gurit
demand, as well as enabling further vertical integration     increase its European-based PET production capacity to
of its Compounds Business Unit operations through VCHL’s     add to the company's existing PET operations in China.
stabiliser technologies and recycled PVC capabilities.       It will also add the Kerdyn product brand to Gurit's PET
VCHL’s key raw materials are PVC resin and plasticisers,     product offering to the wind, marine, transport and
which Mexichem says should bring additional synergies        construction industries. "We would like to welcome
to its vinyl operations. “This transaction is aligned with   the BASF team in Volpiano to Gurit and look forward to
Mexichem’s strategy of completing bolt-on acquisitions       dynamically developing the site and business together,"
that provide us with access to new geographies and end       said Rudolf Hadorn, CEO of Gurit. Gurit states that it will
markets, expand our portfolio of specialty products and      integrate and further develop the new PET operations
serve as a platform for future growth, while enhancing       as part of its Composite Materials business unit.
returns on invested capital,” said Sameer S. Bharadwaj,
President of the Compounds Business Unit.                   Macfarlane packaging
                                                            distribution sales up 8%
With the benefit of Mexichem’s resources, VCHL will be
able to anticipate and more fully address the needs of its  Macfarlane Group, Glasgow-based, has said full-year
customers as we move forward together. Based in Chinley,    profits for its packaging distribution operation are
England, VCHL manufactures PVC compounds used in pipe       expected to be well above 2015 levels. Last year the
and profiles, footwear and consumer goods. It has annual    firm posted sales of £169.1m, up from £153.8m up 10%
sales of about $40 million.                                 on the previous year and profit before tax of £6.8m, up
                                                            from£5.6m, in 2014. The company said profit before tax for
                                                            2016 to date continued to be well above the corresponding
                                                            period in 2015, given the contribution from acquisitions.
                                                            Macfarlane group chairman Graeme Bissett, said: “I am
                                                            pleased to report that Macfarlane group’s performance in
                                                            the second half of 2016 is demonstrating further strong

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