Page 29 - Plastics News December 2017
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Glass vs Plastic: Which is Better
Plastic and Glass are both recyclable, but since glass can only be recycled and turned into more glass, it
limits its options. On the other hand, since plastic loses its integrity, it can be recycled into a number of
products from carpet filling to plastic lumber and so on.
food products and liquids. Many of the smaller bottles
work well for cosmetics and other products consumers
only use a little of at a time.
Certain plastics also work well for products that contain
chemicals such as plant food, fuels and fertilizer. The
ingredients in many of these more hazardous products
require a container to maintain its integrity over the life
of the product, which certain plastics can do. Plastic
containers also have an advantage in shipping as well. They
ife is full of choices between two options. Coffee or don’t break as easily as glass equating to fewer products
Ltea. Coke or Pepsi. Chicken or fish. At Great Western lost in transport. While plastic containers certainly have
Containers, we help our clients navigate the choice a wide range of applications that make them a good fit
between glass vs plastic containers. Both have their for many products.
advantages and drawbacks and in the end, it’s a little
like choosing which came first, the chicken or the egg. PlasticTrays
The ultimate decision comes down to weighing both Whether using a tray for the school canteen or in the
options and the context and making the right choice for baking and food service industry, living up to certain
the right product. hygiene standards is a must. One of the best ways of
maintaining good hygiene is by using plastic trays to store,
Plastic: The Workhorse transport or distribute cooked goods. Plastic trays are
Plastic containers are undoubtedly convenient — they’re gaining in popularity because they can be used, washed
lightweight, easily portable and unbreakable that help and reused multiple times. Because it provides the users
reduce the cost. It is one of the most cost effective with a form of cheap maintenance, businesses in the food
material. The bulk of inventory consists of plastic products industry can avoid spending extra money on buying new
and the sheer variety of containers, sizes and shapes trays to replace their old ones.
made from plastic is this material’s greatest advantage Plastic Food Containers
over glass.
Almost everyone has had the unfortunate experience of
The plastic containers ideally include: having to smell an unpleasant odor after opening their
• LiquifoldIBC containers fridge. The unpleasant odor is caused by food that has
gone bad, one of the many advantages of storing your
• Plastics buckets and Pails
food items in good quality plastic containers is that it is
• Plastic drums; able to keep the stench of bad food inside the container.
• Plastic bottles; Keeping food properly sealed so that it is able to remain
fresh for longer is just one of the benefits of using plastic
• And IBC tanks.
food containers. While using a plastic food container, one
These containers come in all sizes from the smallest plastic can either store perishables by freezing them or cook food
bottle holding just a half ounce to the largest IBC Tank and then store it. The food can always be thawed later
that can hold more than 1,200 litres. on and reheated in the microwave oven.
Plastic containers can also hold a wide variety of Plastics do not break down and biodegrade in landfills.
materials. Food grade plastic containers can safeguard Throwing away plastic containers means adding additional
29 December 2017 Plastics News