Page 40 - Plastics News December 2017
P. 40


          Call for global treaty on plastic marine waste

              any of the countries advocated for a zero tolerance   the plastics industry supports 260 marine litter projects
         Mapproach  against  Marine  Littering  at  the  United   globally.“Since 2011, our industry has partnered in many
         Nations environmental meeting held in Kenya earlier this   efforts to research and prevent marine debris around the
         month. The U.N. Environment Assembly’s actions are not   world,” he said. “Marine debris is a complex, global issue
         legally binding, but more than 200 countries adopted a   that deserves thoughtful consideration and action on the
         resolution urging much more be done about plastic waste,   part of government, scientists and industries working
         and some said they want the action to lead to legally   together.” But other actions up for serious consideration
         binding treaties.                                      by the U.N. body include things that could make some in
         Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment Vidar     the industry nervous, including container deposits (which
         Helgesen, for example, told the Reuters news service   the resolution specifically encouraged), plastic bag bans
         the plastics language is “very strong” and that countries   and phasing out single-use plastics.
         will now “explore a legally binding instrument and other   The  executive  director  of  the  U.N.  Environment
                                                                Programme, which organized the assembly, said at the
                                                                close of the forum that his blueprint for “what comes
                                                                next” included, as his first item, to “stop plastics.” “For
                                                                too  long,  we  have  treated  the  ocean  as  a  bottomless
                                                                dumping ground for plastic, sewage and other waste,”
                                                                said  Erik  Solheim,  director  of  U.N.  Environment.  In  a
                                                                news release he identified plastic pollution, air quality
                                                                and chemicals as the priority areas from the meeting.
                                                                Helgesen,  who  co-chaired  a  U.N.  meeting  on  plastic
                                                                ocean debris in June, said at the closing session that he
                                                                favored a “zero vision” for plastic waste, and said stronger
                                                                worldwide action is needed on marine litter. “There is
                                                                a lack of a coherent international governing framework
                                                                to address marine litter in a comprehensive manner,”
         measures and that will be done at the international level   Helgesen said. “The rapidly increasing level of plastic
         over the next 18 months.” The assembly met Dec. 4-6    litter and microplastics in our oceans is a global concern.”
         in Nairobi, Kenya, and adopted 13 resolutions on topics
         including plastics, mercury and lead poisoning, and air   The assembly meeting suggests high-level discussions
         pollution. It was the third gathering of the assembly, with   around plastics will continue, with stepped up attention
         the next session likely in two years.                  from governments.Plastics industry officials in the past
                                                                have called the U.N. Environment Programme’s approach
         The plastics industry, through the World Plastics Council,
         issued a statement saying the assembly vote “adds to the   “problematic,” particularly after that agency declared
         fast-growing global consensus that to end marine plastic   a “war on ocean plastic” earlier this year. Industry
         pollution we must invest in improved municipal solid waste   executives have said they prefer approaches that focus on
         management, with a focus on emerging economies with    building government waste collection programs, like that
         large populations near rivers and coastlines.”         pushed by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum,
                                                                instead  of  product  bans.  WPC  noted  in  its  statement
         WPC  is  made  up  of  plastics  trade  associations  around   that a study by Trucost found that replacing plastics with
         the world, including the American Chemistry Council,   other materials in consumer goods and packaging would
         PlasticsEurope and the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals
         Association.WPC Chairman Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh said    increase  environmental  costs  three-fold.But  the  U.N.
         the  U.N.  resolution  is  consistent  with  other  research   meeting included discussions on actions against specific
         and government statements from APEC, the G-7 and       products, including an official side conference on Kenya’s
         G-20, and commitments by plastics makers. He said      recent plastic bag ban.

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