Page 49 - Plastics News December2018
P. 49


              Michigan legislator proposes to                        Turkey to ban plastic bags
              repeal bottle bill law                                    urkey is trying to break its addiction to plastics,

                                                                     Timplementing a law next year that will do away with
                 Michigan  legislator    Joe                         free plastic bags at grocery stores. The ruling Justice
              A Bellino, Monroe  has                                 and Development Party (AKP) recently submitted a
              proposed a plan to repeal                              draft law to the parliament updating the regulatory
              the state’s 40-year-old bottle                         regime for packing and waste proposing the ban of free
              deposit law, according to                              plastic bags at supermarkets. The regulation is planned
              reports  from  WXYZ-TV,                                to be effective as of January  1, 2019. AKP Deputy
              Detroit. The  state  enacted                           Chair Mehmet Muş made a press statement regarding
              the Michigan Beverage                                  the draft law. He said plastic bags used for packaging
              Container Act in 1976 and                              in supermarkets would be sold for 25 kuruş (1 Turkish
              implemented it by 1978.                                Lira is equal to 100 kuruş).However, he emphasized the
              The law requires reporting                             ban on free plastic bags would only be valid for those
              of containers  sold and                                with a thickness ranging from 15-50 microns, as this
              redeemed by bottlers and distributors. Containers      is the standard thickness of grocery bags. Any plastic
              included in the law are airtight metal, glass, paper and   bag with a thickness greater or less than this range will
              plastic containers (or a combination of those materials)   continue to be free of charge.
              that are up to 1 gallon in size. The state pays back 10 cents   Muş  added  that  the  relevant  regulation  seeks  to
              for deposits through the program. Currently, Michigan is   decrease the use of customary plastic bags at
              one of 11 states with a bottle deposit law. Republican State   supermarkets to 90 per person annually by the end of
              Rep. Joe Bellino, Monroe, Michigan, introduced legislation   2019 and to 40 by the end of 2025. The draft law not
              as part of a new plan to provide a boost to community   only includes a provision on the use of plastic bags, but
              recycling programs, WXYZ-TV reports.
                                                                     instead brings many changes to raise the bar higher
              Bellino said  that the bottle bills that once helped reduce   in Turkey’s  fight  against  waste  management.  In  line
              litter in the 1980s and 1990s is now adversely impacting   with this, local administrations will be given more
              recycling  in  the  state.  Bellino  says  the  state’s  current   detailed tasks supervising efforts for zero waste. For
              bottle deposit system captures about 2 percent of the   example, it will be obligatory for at least 20 percent of
              state’s waste and costs more and generates less revenue   vehicles in the domestic waste collection fleet in every
              than traditional recycling programs.
              Also it is said that fraud is occurring in Michigan by
              people fraudulently returning beverage containers from
              out of state. though the amount of fraud occurring is not
              currently known. Bellino’s plan would end the state’s
              bottle deposit  law on  Dec.  31, 2022,  and  those  who
              purchase a product with a deposit before that date would
              have three years to return the container for a refund
              through the original bottle deposit law, according to
              WXYZ-TV reports.According to a report from the Detroit
              Free Press newspaper, Detroit, some experts say Bellino’s   municipality to be capable of collecting packaging
              proposed legislation isn’t likely to pass. James Clift, policy   waste. A late contributor to global recycling efforts,
              director at the Michigan Environmental Council, tells the   Turkey still managed to make strides by upgrading its
              Detroit Free Press that Bellino’s proposed legislation would   recycling facilities and raising awareness against the
              need three-quarters majority of votes, and there has been   use of plastic in recent years. Compulsory charge for
              broad support of the law for many years.               plastic bags is considered a revolutionary change.

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