Page 52 - Plastics News December2018
P. 52


              Centre to spend Rs 70,000 crore for natural gas pipeline network

                 he Centre will initially spend Rs 70,000 crore to spread   As future expansion plans under SERPL, laying works of
              Tgas pipelines across the country, and is working out plans   1212 km Paradip-Hyderabad pipeline with capacity of 4.5
              to expand gas network to Myanmar through Bangladesh,   MMTPA is in progress. Moreover, preconstruction works for
              Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said. According     360 km long Paradip-Dhamra-Haladia LNG pipeline and 345
                                         to reports the central     km long Paradip-Somanathpur-Haladia pipeline are also
                                         government is promoting    under progress, said the Petroleum Minister.
                                         gas  based  eco no my
                                         which needs a massive       OPaL Bags the Greentech Safety
                                         network of pipelines for
                                         transportation of natural   Award 2018
                                         gas to various corners of
                                         the country, he said. "In the   PaL was the proud winner of the most admired
                                         first phase Rs 70,000 crore   OGreentech Safety Award (Platinum Category),
                                         will be invested to spread   the highest award in its class, in a grand event
                                         gas pipeline network        concluded on Friday, 16th November at Guwahati.
                                         across the country," the    The award was conferred on OPaL for its splendid
                                         petroleum minister said     safety performance during 2017-18. During this period
              while addressing National Conference  Pradhan said India is   OPaL accomplished milestones like commissioning
              also planning to expand gas pipeline network to Myanmar   of the Mega Petrochemical Complex.  The entire
              through Bangladesh."Under this programme, pipelines    commissioning process was carried out without any
              are proposed to be constructed between Dhamra to       major setbacks or untoward incident.
              Bangladesh and Siliguri to Bangladesh to export LNG gas   The award was presented to OPaL in the presence
              according to the requirement of the neighbouring nation,"   of  many  industry  counterparts  and  high-ranking
              he said. Turning to Odisha, Pradhan said the state needs   Government  officials.  Shri  Raj  Nath  Tripathi,  GM-
              a huge infrastructure to store, refine and transport the   Polymer, Shri Jay
              natural gas to the doorstep of the industry from Paradip,   Pandya, Manager-
                                                                     HSE, Shri Himanil
              Dhamra and Gopalpur.He said the Centre is contemplating
              to promote port based industries in Odisha and also in   Desai, Executive-
                                                                     HSE, were part of
              other  coastal  states  having  natural  ports. The  eastern   OPaL delegation
              part of India, including Odisha, needs a high double digit   at the venue to
              growth rate to be on a par with Western region. In Odisha,   receive the award.
              around Rs 4500 crore would be pumped in to construct
              1700 kms of pipeline network in first phase A strategic   OPaL  is  committed  to  the  safety  of  its  employees
              oil reserve project will also be launched in Chandikhol   and building safe and eco-friendly workplaces. The
              after acquiring land there, said Pradhan. The petroleum   Greentech award stands a testament to OPaL’s sincere
                                                                     efforts towards promoting and implementing the best
              minister also announced that commercial production of   in class safety practices at workplaces.
              polypropylene from Paradip refinery would commence this
              month. South Eastern Region Pipelines (SERPL) is presently   Greentech Safety Award is one of the esteemed
              operating cross-country pipelines network of crude oil and   national level Safety awards. It is given every year
              refined products as well as LPG of 1570 kms length with   to industries for carrying out exemplary safety
              19.35 MMTPA capacity, he said. Under this region, India   initiatives and achievements for reducing incidents
              Oil is having the biggest and largest crude oil handling   & accidents at workplaces. This year was the 17th
                                                                     year of Greentech Safety award at pan India level.
              facility at Paradip, which is feeding four most important   OPaL was one of the participants along with other
              refineries  -  Paradip,  Haladia,  Barauni  and  Bangaigaon.
                                                                     leading corporations.

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