Page 106 - Plastics News December 2019
P. 106

iN thE NEws

          Ministry preparing National                            Four cities selected for the PWM

          Environmental Plan                                     Centre project

             he Union environment ministry is preparing a National   urat city, the economical
          TEnvironmental Plan, which will be ready by January    Scapital  of  Gujarat,  will
          2020, and will address issues related to waste management   soon  get  a  Plastic  Waste
          and pollution. “We are coming up with two national plans.   Management Centre, funded
          While one is the National Action Plan for Climate Change,   by the Central government.
          the other is the National Environmental Plan (NEP). NEP   The city has been selected for
          will focus more on solid waste management — plastic and   the project along with Patna,
          biomedical waste among others. Districts in all states have   Bengaluru and Varanasi. The
          been asked to come up with district environmental plans.   Central government will fund
          We have already received plans from 102 districts,” said   Rs 6 crore each to the four
          CK Mishra, Union environment secretary. What makes the   cities to develop Plastic Waste Management Centres.
          upcoming plan unique is that this will be the first national   A two-member team from the Central Institute of
          environmental plan with a bottom-up approach, with     Plastic Engineering and Technology (CIPET) visited Surat
          inputs coming from the districts. Experts have welcomed
          this approach. “Considering that cities across India are   and checked the status of disposal and recycling of
          struggling with pollution concerning air, water, sanitation   plastic waste by the Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC).
          and waste, among others, the formulation of a national   The team also held a meeting with Surat municipal
          environmental plan is a good move. Also, the bottom-up   commissioner Banchhanidhi Pani, city engineer Bharat
          approach by taking inputs from district authorities will   Dalal, environmental engineer Jwalant Naik, and solid
          aim for more localised action and area-specific pollution   and liquid waste department officials.The team also
          abatement  approaches,”  said  Swati  Singh  Sambyal,   visited the plastic waste recycling plant run under
          programme manager of environmental governance          Public Private Partnership (PPP) since 2017 by ECO
                                                                 Vision and SMC, where over 30 tonnes of plastic waste
                                                                 is recycled daily, said SMC city engineer Bharat Dalal.
                                                                 Around 180 metric tonnes of plastic waste is collected
                                                                 by  the SMC  from  the city  daily,  he  said. “One  acre
                                                                 of land is required for developing the plastic waste
                                                                 management centre and the SMC will have to bear
                                                                 the construction costs while the CIPET will provide
                                                                 machineries and other equipment for recycling and
                                                                 disposal of plastic waste. The CIPET team will operate
                                                                 the centre while the Central govenrment will give a
                                                                 grant of Rs 6 crore for the project,” said Dalal. SMC
          (municipal solid waste) at the Centre for Science and   environmental engineer Jwalant Naik said, “At this
          Environment in Delhi. The Central Pollution Control Board   centre, research work on plastic recycling and disposal
          (CPCB) has directed magistrates (DM) of all districts across   will also be done. Separate machines will be installed
          India to prepare District Environment Plans (DEMs). These   for crushing plastic items.” An awareness programme
          DEMs will be compiled to prepare State Environmental   will also be conducted for citizens on disposal of daily
          Plans, which in turn will be put together to prepare the   use plastic items, its impact on the environment and
          National Environmental Plan. CPCB has developed a model   reusing plastic. GPCB realised that a scientific solution
          that DMs may use for preparing DEMs. While the state
          environment plans are likely to be finalised by the end   to the problem would have to be developed. One aspect
          of December and monitored by the chief secretaries of   which was evident to them was that the plastic waste
          the respective states, the national plan is expected to be   had very high calorific value much higher than coal.This
          compiled under the supervision of the Union environment   fact made the GPCB management think in the direction
          secretary and chairman of CPCB by January.             of utilising the plastic waste as an alternative to energy.

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