Page 75 - Plastics News December 2019
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         such  policies  at  the  state  level  will  be  difficult. The   70-80,000 MT of plastic packaging had been collected and
         best solution is to have a uniform policy with the main   recycled/co-processed. Rag-pickers / Urban Local Bodies
         emphasis on segregation, collection mechanisms while   (ULBs) / recyclers etc. were involved in the supply chain
         strengthening the working of ULBS,” states Jain. UFlex   and lots of awareness campaign were organised at various
         manufactures multi-layer plastic, which is recyclable. “We   levels. In future, if this will continue with more brand
         are betting that increasing awareness about sustainability   owner and producer with 100 per cent EPR, then one day,
         will offer opportunities for growth and more and more   we won’t have a single pouch of plastic litter on the road
         consumer product  companies will embrace  green        and we had such example in past.”
         packaging. However, the real challenge that needs to be   Most countries practise the system of collection-
         addressed is not plastic but plastic waste management.   segregation and recycling model when it comes to
         Pillai opines, “We need to have an infrastructure for its   Multilayer  Packaging  (MLP).  MLP  being  light  in  nature,
         proper segregation and collection of plastic waste. If we   does not create an economic value creation, for a
         start attaching an economic value to this plastic waste,   manual collection and segregation system. Automatic
         this waste can be turned into wealth. The government   Municipal  Waste  Sorters  hence  are  used  to  segregate
         and industry need to come together to work on waste    the garbage into organic waste and recyclables, by most
         management such that rag-pickers get incentivised to sort   developed countries, including China. The municipality
         out waste and get that plastic waste to its right stream   or the townships collect and deliver the garbage to the
         for recycling or reprocessing.”The end-consumers should   sorting companies. These companies against a receipt
         also be made more aware about not littering and how to   of a small payment then segregate the garbage and sell
         segregate waste at their end. “Historically, we have seen   the recyclables for meeting the day-to-day running and
         that penalties bring about a change in human behaviour   operating expenses. The fee paid to the sorting companies
         even if it forced, so imposing fines on both sides of the   comes from the EPR which is collected from the brand
         equation, i.e. corporates and consumers help, should be   owners/producers.  This is a win-win business model
         considered too,” added Pillai.
                                                                wherein the consumer bears the cost of a healthy living
         India v/s countries abroad                             and a clean environment.
         Countries abroad are also fighting with plastic menace.   Dash informed, “ Some countries or their specific states
         In the United States, less than 10 per cent of plastic is   have different kinds of bans on plastic usage including the
         recycled in the US and less than a fifth of all the plastic   developed ones like the USA or Australia or the emerging
                                                                economies like Kenya or Zimbabwe. We can learn from
                                                                their adoption of innovative technologies that are capable
                                                                of replacing plastics.” It is often opined by experts that
                                                                poor segregation, collection and disposal mechanism
                                                                are  the  main  reasons  behind  plastic  menace  in  India.
                                                                However, lack of awareness and responsibilities among
                                                                the consumers and lack of efficient design of packaging
                                                                could also be added to the list. Pillai added that source
                                                                segregation itself is missing and all recyclables are mixed
                                                                with garbage before being sent to landfills. “As the plastics
                                                                are  light  in  weight,  it  becomes  difficult  to  encourage
                                                                the rag-pickers to pick them up from the land-fills. And
         is recycled globally. However, various corporates and   hence remain dumped. Support from the government is
         non-profits are working rigorously in this area. Jain from   required in terms of CAPEX participation for automatic
         IPCA informed, “I think extended producer responsibility   MSW sorters. These types of sorters are being used to
         (EPR) is a good and doable example and companies are   segregate plastics waste from households and municipal
         acceptable to the concept of EPR. Many brand owners and   garbage in many developed countries and it’s time we
         producers are doing their EPR at the national level and on a   take a cue from that.”
         good scale. In the last two year, due to EPR, approximately
                                                                                                       (Business World)

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