Page 78 - Plastics News December 2019
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KRAIBURG TPE's innovation and sustainability efforts drives further

          expansion into India.

          KRAIBURG TPE PVT. LTD. in India is committed to keep   New THERMOLAST® K compounds for contact
          expanding and enhancing its sales network in India by   applications with fatty foods
          continuously adding innovation and value to serve its   The new THERMOLAST®
          customers better within the region.                   K FC/CM1 and FC/CM2
                                       Registered in 2006 in    compounds meet major
                                       Bangalore, India; the    international food
                                       company is one of the    contact application
                                       top  TPE  suppliers in   standards with improved
                                       India today with local   migration control. They
                                       offices in Pune, Delhi   also offer pleasant touch
                                       and Mumbai.              characteristics  with
                                                                enhanced organoleptic
                                       For more information,    properties that are ideal
                                       please  contact Aditya   for  closure  systems,
          Purandare at +91 87224 59594 or Shekhar Shinde at +91   valves and seals for packaging with direct contact to
          96650 33517.                                          fatty foods.
          Focus on strong customer orientation, global          Spearheading environment-friendly
          presence and influential innovations                  innovations
          Mr. Franz Hinterecker, CEO of KRAIBURG TPE says “Our   As its core commitment to sustainable business operations,
          success  in  the  market  is  based  on  strong  customer   KRAIBURG TPE will be collaborating with its network of
          orientation, global presence and influential innovations.    raw materials suppliers to develop custom-engineered
          Continuously investing in the international network of
          our production plants and sales offices is a mainstay of
          this strategy.”

          The world’s first VDI 2017-compliant com-
          pound for TPE/PA composite applications
          As  the  world’s  first  VDI  2017-compliant  compound  for
          TPE/PA composite applications, KRAIBURG TPE’s EU and
                                     FDA healthcare-certified
                                     MC/AD/PA THERMOLAST ®
                                     M series can be combined
                                     directly with polyamides.
                                     They also meet the human
                                     compatibility requirements
                                     of the ISO  10993-5 and    TPEs containing renewable raw materials to address
                                     10993-11 standards.        climate  change,  finite  oil  resources  and  increasingly
                                                                environmentally-aware customers.
                                     The compounds are free
          of latex, PVC, phthalates, and heavy metals. They are   In addition to producing environmentally-friendly
          not  only  aesthetically  pleasing,  but  also  meet  stricter   compounds,  KRAIBURG  TPE  is  ISO 50001-  certified
          international regulations for medical-grade plastics   at its German headquarters and ISO 9001 and ISO
          (MGPs).                                               14001-accredited at all global sites.

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