Page 88 - Plastics News December 2019
P. 88

BusiNEss NEws

          MRPL plans to expand capacity,                         Nissei signs to acquire a majority

          invest Rs 31000 crores                                 stake in Negri Bossi

              angalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL),   apan’s Nissei Plastic Industrial Company has agreed
          Mthe downstream subsidiary of Oil and Natural Gas  Jto buy a majority stake in Negri Bossi, an Italian
          Corporation (ONGC), plans to invest Rs 31,073 crore to   manufacturer of injection moulding machines and
          undertake expansion of its flagship 16 Million Tonne Per   robotic equipment. The deal is expected to close in
                                                                 January 2020. Negri Bossi, which is owned by US-based
                                                                 Kingsbury Corp, has a particularly strong presence
                                                                 in Europe and operates across a range of industries,
                                                                 including packaging. Revenues in recent years have
                                                                 been more than €100 million ($111m). Upon completion,
                                                                 Kingsbury will maintain a minority stake in the company.
                                                                 By acquiring a stake in Negri Bossi, Nissei will be able
                                                                 to expand and strengthen its business domain in the
                                                                 injection moulding machine field. The combination of
                                                                 Nissei’s injection moulding machines and Negri Bossi’s
                                                                 injection moulding technology is expected to expand
                                                                 each product portfolio and provide a comprehensive
          Annum (MTPA) refinery to 18 MTPA and focus on integration   solution to a wide customer segment. Negri Bossi has
          of production streams for petrochemicals like ethylene,   become the number one injection moulding machine
          propylene and butane, the company said in an application   manufacturer  in  Italy,  with  a  wide  range  of  high-
          to the environment ministry.  The company said the     performance injection moulding machines, amongst
          project is currently facing challenges including processing   which ultra-large injection moulding  machines and
          of heavier and sulphur rich crude, strict environmental   moulding systems. The Group also provides products
          regulations, enhanced product specifications for sulphur   and solutions tailored to each customer. Negri Bossi has
          and  aromatics,  evolving  regional  supply  and  demand   a particularly strong
          dynamics for diesel versus petrol, volatile refining margins,   presence in Europe
          evacuation  challenges  around  petcoke  and  IMO  2020   and a solid customer
          specifications, which have necessitated increased capacity   base in a wide
          and focus on petrochemicals. “A hybrid configuration with   range of industries.
          limited increase in crude capacity and petchem products   The Group has an
          which would meet the boundary conditions of capex      important presence
          requirement, land availability and logistical constraints was   also  in  the  USA,
                                                                 Mexico and India..
          envisaged. An in-house hybrid study has been conducted   Nisse i Pla st ic
          for arriving at the best possible configuration for Petchem   Industrial is a
          addition and capacity expansion project (PACE) by means   Japanese company,
          of low capex, revamps and unit augmentations with      listed on the  Tokyo Stock Exchange, engaged in
          fuels conforming to BS VI specifications, for MS and HSD   the manufacture and sale of injection moulding
          along with petchem products,” the company said. MRPL   machines, peripherical equipment, parts and dies
          also plans to undertake capacity expansion of its second   operating  in  three  segments:  Japan  USA  and Asia.
          crude oil distillation unit (CDU) to 9.7 MTPA from 7.2 MTPA   As a global company, NISSEI will enrich communities
          currently, conversion of Visbreaker (VBU) into a 0.7 MTPA   through  plastics”.  In  order  to  deliver  its  excellent
          CDU for swing operations for processing high sulphur or   benefits throughout the world, NISSEI has been making
          heavy crude directly and utilisation of CDU-I and CDU-III at   ongoing effort in researching and developing the mold
          present capacities. The idea is to utilize maximum crude   processing technologies, injection molding machines,
          processing capacity available in primary units.        and the technologies to process new materials.

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