Page 84 - Plastics News December 2019
P. 84

iNtErNAtioNAL NEws

          Italy waters down plastic tax after                    Slovakia bans single-use plastics

          complaints from business                               from 2021

             he Italian government has now halved its planned       lovakia banned single-use
          Ttax on plastics and excluded products that contain    Splastics as of 2021 joining
          recycled  and  biodegradable  plastic  from  the  levy. The   the European Union fight to
          changes to Italy's new plastic tax were contained within   reduce  marine  pollution.
          an amendment made to the 2020 budget bill on according   The  new  law  will  make  it
          to Italian media reports. The proposed policies, which   illegal to sell plastic plates,
          are set to come into force in January, are currently being   cups, cutlery, drink stirrers,
          scrutinised by the Budget Committee. While there was   straws and cotton buds,
          much excitement over the initial announcements of plastic   among similar items. 72
          and sugar taxes in Italy, both of these proposals have   lawmakers voted in favour of
          since been softened considerably after an outcry from   the waste management bill,
          businesses, as has a planned tax on company cars. The   30 against and 32 abstained. "Our goal is to motivate
          tax has now been set at 50 cents per kilogram of plastic   people to separate waste, and (for) manufacturers to
          product instead of one euro.The law will also now exclude   produce recyclable products," Environment Minister
          all medical devices and containers, not just syringes, as   Laszlo Solymos said after the vote. Waste management
          was written in the first draft. Politicians behind the bill,   experts believe the law will trigger a boom in the
          most notably members of the Five Star Movement, which   use of biodegradable packaging. Waste management
          has long made the environment a central campaign issue,   experts believe the law will trigger a boom in the
          said the plastic tax is an environmental policy. But plastic
          industry  bosses claim  the  tax has  “no  environmental   use of biodegradable packaging."We expect the new
                                                                 law to result in a greater  use of  more sustainable
                                                                 alternatives from renewable sources—wood, paper
                                                                 or bioplastics in the everyday life," Katarina Kretter,
                                                                 a spokeswoman for private recycling company ENVI-
                                                                 PAK, told AFP. Earlier this year, the European Union
                                                                 and the European Parliament voted to ban from 2021
                                                                 single-use plastics such as straws, cutlery and cotton
                                                                 buds.The European Commission estimates some 70
                                                                 percent of plastic waste clogs the world's oceans,
                                                                 killing a range of species from turtles, seals, whales
                                                                 and seabirds to fish and shellfish. Scientists warn that,
                                                                 as plastic slowly breaks down, the micro-particles enter
                                                                 food chains and end up being consumed by humans,
                                                                 with studies showing  toxic  traces in  the waste  of
                                                                 people in Europe and Asia. Slovakia has the ambition
          purpose” and that “it only serves to 'make cash' and will   to become a leader in this area in central Europe.
          only damage the environment, innovation, industry and   In recent years, momentum behind bans on single-use
          workers.” Trade  association  Plastics  Europe  said  that   plastic bags has been growing at the local and statewide
          “Italy is the second biggest producer of plastics products   levels. Advocates  want  the  bags  outlawed  because,
          after Germany," and claimed the “regressive tax” would   they say, the disposables cause pollution and litter, and
          put 50,000 jobs at risk in Italy. The plastic tax also faced   are a threat to wildlife, especially aquatic life when
          opposition from Italia Viva, the new centrist party led   they end up in rivers, streams and oceans. Statewide
          by ex-prime minister Matteo Renzi, which wants the tax   prohibitions on single-use plastic bags exist in Vermont,
          policy abolished completely, and the far-right Brothers   Maine, California, New York and Hawaii.
          of Italy party.

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