Page 20 - Plastics News December 2021
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         CII Panel Discussion on unlocking Capacity and Capability –

         Opportunity for Investment in the downstream industry during
         Indian Chemical and Petrochemical Conference (ICPC) 2021 held
         on 16-17 December 2021
                                                                                 Arvind M. Mehta
                                                               Chairman -Governing Council AIPMA
                                                      Past President – AIPMA & Plastindia Foundation

         Topic presented:                        brands. Since, the raw materials &     for plastics processing machine
         To  Reduce  of  Rs.  45000  Crore       finished goods are available at a very   is expected to boom.
         Plastic Products Annual Imports         low price from China, people prefer     d.  This would lead to additional
                                                 to import the product from there.
         to India – with Import Substitu-        Also, due to the unavailability of     employment of around 250,000
         tion & Make in India - AIPMA            latest technologies to produce high   9.  Focusing on import substitution
                                                 quality finished goods at rapid speed   through use of latest technologies
         1.  The existing size of  the plastic   in India, only add up to the import   and innovation would unlock
             Industry in the country is Rs. 3.00   to India.                         capability of  downstream plastic
             Lakh Crore, employing more than 5   7.  India should specifically focus on   industries. Further, import
             Million people.                     reducing imports of Rs. 45,000 Crore   substitution would help in unlocking
         2.  There  are  approximately  50,000   to India. This could be achieved by   capacity of the converting industries
             converting units – 90% in MSME      focusing on strengthening Indian    as  it  would  add  business  of   Rs.
             having 1,75,000 Plastics processing   plastic industry to adopt latest   45,000 crore for the industry.
             machines for producing a diverse    technologies so that products could   10.  Adoption of  latest technologies
             range of  plastic products. The     be manufactured faster as well as of   would also help Indian plastic
             processing capacity is estimated to   high quality. Speed to Market should   processing industry to increase their
             be 55 Million tonnes per annum.     be the main focus.                  exports which is mere 1.5% of the
             This processing capacity had been   8.  AIPMA would like to reduce      global exports.
             growing @ 8.8% CAGR during last     imports of  this as it would be
             4 years and the processing industry   beneficial for the entire value chain   11.  AIPMA’s AMTEC has launched
             is expected to invest $10 billion   of plastic industry including: -    Centre of  Excellence for
             during the next 5 years to enhance      a.  Plastic processing industry can   Plastics Product Innovation and
             the capacity 86 Million Ton by 2024-    get additional business of Rs.   Application. As the name suggest,
             25.                                     45,000 crores, by this import   The Centre of  Excellence is
         3.  The sector is going to play an          substitution and making it in   catering to the growing need of
                                                                                     Plastics processing segments. The
             important role in India becoming        India.                          Centre of Excellence is providing
             US $ 5 Trillion economy.            b.  Around  4.5  Million  tons      360 degrees’ services under one
         4.  India is importing plastic finished     of  additional raw material     roof through Centre for Product
             goods worth Rs. 45,000 crores per       procurement by converters       Design, Reverse Engineering,
             year.                                   – beneficial for Raw material   Additive Manufacturing and plastic
         5.  China is exporting a large amount       manufacturers. Raw material     packaging, a step ahead in the import
             of cheap finished goods products        manufactures need quickly plan   substitution of plastic products.
             to India. China is a major supplier     expansion of their plants. They  12.To  maximize  their  investment  in
             for sectors like cell phones, telecom,   need to unlock their capacity of   marketing initiatives, we should look
             power, plastic toys and critical        raw material production.        for strategies and tools that have the
             pharma ingredients. China accounts      c.  Appr ox imately 16,000      most potential to engage decision
             for around 40% share of  total          additional plastic processing   makers. We should be a thought
             imports of plastic products to India.   machines will be required – to   leader and have a unique solution
         6.  Cheap imports from China and            the advantage for domestic      for import substitution in a huge
             other countries affect the domestic     machine manufacturers. With     volume, and we can get such a big
             industry as it directly has an impact   increased growth of plastics    business for India.
             on the local traders, craftsmen &       processing industry, demand

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