Page 23 - Plastics News December 2021
P. 23


          STADLER To Build Recycling Plants For                                  BASF To Invest In Its

          GAIA And Iren Ambiente                                                 Chinese Plant

          G   A    I  A                      polypropylene (PP).The second sorting   Binvest in
                                                                                     ASF will
                                             plant is located in Parma and designed
              and Iren
          Ambiente have                      for plastic, paper and cardboard.It   its  Uvinul® A
          c ont rac t e d                    is currently under construction and   Plus production
          G e r m an                         expected to be completed shortly. The   plant  a in
          recycling firm                     plant features a 9t/h plastic sorting   Jinshan,China
          STADLER to                         line that can process PET, HDPE and   The new plant
          design and build                   PP bottles, PE and PP films, bulky   is designed
          two recycling                      plastics, mixed plastic packaging, and   with a capacity
          plants in Asti                     non-ferrous and ferrous metals.It also   of 1,500 metric
          and Parma, Italy.The €10m plant at  has a paper sorting line with a capacity   tons per year and is expected to come on
          the  Asti  Waste  Treatment  Centre  is  of  20t/h that processes cardboard,   stream in the first half of 2023. BASF
          designed for the sorting of  plastic  mixed paper and deinking.GAIA CEO   currently produces Uvinul® A Plus in
          and metal packaging from separate  and Iren Ambiente technical manager   Ludwigshafen, Germany and by taking
          waste collections. It is equipped with  Flaviano Fracaro said: “The sorting plant   this step will expand its production base.
          several advanced technologies, including  is like an open-air mine, but instead of   “BASF is a global market leader in
          a feeding and pre-sorting section, a  extracting raw materials from the planet,   personal care ingredients and has
          mechanical and optical sorting line and  it recovers them, avoiding the dispersion   deep expertise in production, as
          a storage and baling line.The facility  of plastics in the environment or the   well  as  offering  complete  solutions
          also includes a sorting cabin that is  saturation of  landfills that no longer   that include sunscreen formulations.
          used to select bulky products manually.  need to receive recoverable materials.   This investment underlines BASF’s
          This was inaugurated last October.The  “We chose STADLER after an extensive   commitment to the region and our
          plant will process 50,000t of plastic and  technical and economical evaluation   customers,” said Dr. Rajan Venkatesh,
          metal packaging from the Asti basin,  process. STADLER was able to design   Senior Vice President, Care Chemicals,
          the Iren Group, Val d’Aosta and other  plants capable of treating different types   BASF Asia Pacific.“In recent years,
          clients a year. Its output materials will  of materials with great efficiency, and in   consumer awareness on the importance
          include transparent, coloured and light  terms of the support we received, their   of UV protection for skin health has
          blue polyethylene terephthalate (PET),  engineers and technicians were at our side   been increasing. With this investment in
          high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and  in every phase of the project.”  Asia, BASF will enhance the production
                                                                                 capacity of specialty UV filters in the
                                                                                 region and increase supply security for
                                                                                 our customers,” said Viju Jose, Vice
                                                                                 President, Personal Care Solutions, Care
                                                                                 Chemicals, BASF Asia Pacific. “Our site
                                                                                 in Jinshan maintains high competency
                                                                                 in manufacturing standards and is
                                                                                 granted with multiple certifications like
                                                                                 EFfCI GMP (European Federation
                                                                                 for Cosmetic Ingredients Good
                                                                                 Manufacturing Practice) and RSPO
                                                                                 (Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil).
                                                                                 It produces a broad portfolio of
                                                                                 emollients and specialty cosurfactants
                                                                                 for the personal care industry.”

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