Page 11 - Plastics News February 2018
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unbreakable because of excellent impact strength and   Also, cost increases in countries like Japan, Taiwan, Korea
              hence there is no risk of water contamination owing   and Thailand are pushing manufacturers to India. This is
              to leakages and breakages which are common in pipes   especially so in the case of automotive, IT and appliance
              made out of other materials. Another example is the   sectors. In fact many producers have relocated their
              new explosion proof, translucent, rust proof and   production of plastic components to India with a focus on
              lightweight LPG Cylinders being introduced across   global distribution. “Lowest Cost to Produce”, continues to
              the country.Even if we were to look at the not-so-  be the prime agenda and India is well equipped to offer this
              distant applications and just consider two main end-  advantage. Moreover, with a huge domestic market, India
              use sectors – packaging and healthcare, plastics are   provides multiple opportunities for product and business
              making strong meritorious inroads.                model innovation, both, while offering robust IP safeguards.
              They enable us to preserve food without refrigeration.   Need to be Sustainable & Regenerative
              New plastic packaging can store and preserve milk
              at  room  temperature  for  over  30  days.  Similarly,   However, a lack of a collective and systematic recycling
              other dairy products, processed food, sea food, fruits   of post-consumer plastics is becoming a big issue. An
              and vegetables can now be packed and preserved    estimated two-thirds of all the plastic produced annually
              under normal conditions. Nanotechnology is being   across the world ends up in a landfill or is disposed-off in
              increasingly  used  to  improve  barrier  properties  of   an unplanned manner. Here, the plastics’ best property
              plastic wrappings for food, and plastic bottles for   – that they can weather the forces of nature – turns into
              soft drinks and juices. As regards healthcare, plastics   a curse. As it won’t degrade naturally, a plastic simply
              are used in external applications as well as implants   accumulates and becomes a pollutant, affecting the
              to assist, prolong or augment human functions - with   entire ecosystem – Deep oceans to urban infrastructure.
              artificial  limbs,  blood  bags,  stents,  bionics  among   Already, multiple regulations have been enacted across
              others.                                           countries to curtail the environmental ill-effects of
              Going forward, Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composites   plastics. In India production of plastic carry bags with less
              will empower innovations across industries        than 50mm thickness has been banned. New plastic waste
              with  applications  in  futuristic  market  segments   management rules prescribe phasing out non-recyclable
              like aerospace, mass transport systems, space     multi-layered plastic in near future. Government of
              technology, oil & gas, automotive, renewable      Maharashtra is pursuing an objective to be plastics
              energy, telecommunications, infrastructure, marine,   free  by April  2018.With  the  menace  of  un-recycled
              military, and sports & recreation. Composites will   plastics growing, the industry runs the risk of more
              help strengthening the world around us and enable   stringent regulations and consumer backlash. For this,
              innovations  hitherto  deemed  difficult.  Numerous   proactive steps are needed towards creating a ‘circular
              application of composites are of high strategic   economy’ for plastics. This will necessitate investments
              relevance to India – aerospace, metro rails, defense,   to be stepped up across the entire ecosystem, including
              automotive, gas cylinders and infrastructure. Size of   collection, sorting, cleaning, processing and reuse of
              the India’ market for composites is around ~ USD 1.6   plastics. Governments will need to pass enabling policies
              B in materials and ~ USD 3.5 B in end-market. Focus   and citizens will need to be motivated to comply with
              on ‘Make-In-India’ campaign is likely to increase the   best practices of plastic disposal.Similarly, we will need
              rate of growth beyond the current 15% pa.         innovation to make this process economically feasible.
          2.  Market Development: Our domestic industry has     To Conclude : The story of Polymers & Plastics is about
              long  been  a  converter  of  plastics.  While,  most  of   enabling the existence of human life at great scale.
              the products  are  aimed  at  the  domestic market,   Polymers will continue to help produce greater quantities
              this is now changing in a significant way. Exports of   of more stable food, protect against disease and injury,
              plastic products to high-value, emerging markets   reap  the  benefits  of  modern  medicine,  and  break  the
              will contribute significantly to the development of   physical limitations of the human body.
              our industry. Already, there are many processors who   Advances in polymer chemistry, if managed
              have witnessed organic growth mainly by expanding   responsibly, will enable a healthier, safer, and longer
              its customer base outside the boundaries of India.   life –  and  we  at  Reliance  are  truly  honored  to  be
              In certain sectors like FIBC bags, exports actually   able to contribute to these amazing applications,
              constitute more than 90% of the entire industry   and in turn play a vital role in India’s growth story.

                                                                            11      Feb ruar y  2018   Plastics News
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