Page 32 - Plastics News February 2018
P. 32
Yizumi introduces Two platen machine at PlastIndia
Yizumi Precision Machinery India one of the overseas subsidiaries of Yizumi Group, made its first
appearance at PLASTINDIA 2018
fter the success of the SM and A5 series toggle servo We are capable of adapting to the customer demands
Amachine, Yizumi is introduced the following at and, of course, with competitive prices. With my 20 years
PLASTINDIA: i) D1- Two platen machine in mid-range, of experience beginning from the customer service,
PAC- High speed injection moulding and Three-axis servo I know how important is customer service and their
robots and ii) Multi –colour / material moulding machine. satisfaction.We always keep in mind, We can only sell the
first machine, the second one; the customer has to buy.”
Recently, Yizumi Global Business Development Center held
a year-end summary meeting to review its performance
in overseas markets. Over the past year, Yizumi has taken
the initiative to seek further development in the global
market. According to the report in the meeting, Yizumi’s
overseas sales continued to grow steadily last year with
better-than-expected results. With the introduction of
new products, sales in Turkey, Israel, USA and India were
Ramesh Vardhan Country Head Yizumi Precision noticeable and largely contributed to the overall growth.
Machinery (India) Pvt. Ltd.says, “Injection moulding is In 2017, Yizumi strove for a new development model in
becoming a generic product; hence, it is vital that we the global market, fully implemented the YIZUMI-HPM
have to have a differential product to be amongst the dual-brand strategy and drummed up new business in
top in competition . Important factors like new technology Germany and India. Last year, Yizumi participated in 19
development quality, process knowledge, power saving professional trade shows for injection molding and die
and the value for money are driving us for success. In the casting industries, with footprints in France, Poland,
15th year of Yizumi incorporation, We are among the top Spain, UAE, South Korea, Turkey and other countries and
3 injection moulding machine suppliers in China, with an regions in the world.
average of 20% CARP.”
To deal with the increasingly fierce competition in
As of now Yizumi, at India, manufacturers the following the international market, Yizumi also accelerated the
range of equipment: adjustment of product mix in global markets. The D1 series
• 90-1000 tonne Toggle (PET and UPVC/CPVC) two-platen injection molding machine, A5 series high-end
standard injection molding machine, H series die casting
• Toggle MC upto 2500 T machine, SM series servo injection molding machine and
• 800- 3000 D1-two platen injection moulding machine. ARC series die casting machine were widely recognized in
the market and generated boom in sales. Depending on
• Vertical injection moulding from 25-400 tonne excellent product quality and services, Yizumi has gained
(sliding and rotary table)
a good reputation in overseas markets.
Yizumi-HPM with over 10 decades of experience is in all Located at Ahmedabad, with an area of 8,775 square
the range of applications like automotive, white goods, meters, the Yizumi Precision Machinery (India) Private
electrical and mobile electronics, medical, turnkey Limited is co-funded by the Yizumi Precision Machinery
solutions to PET and packaging etc.
Co., Ltd. and Ramesh Vardhan, who has over 20 years’
Talking about the Indian perspective Vardhan said, “Today, experience in India’s injection molding industry. Since the
in India, customers want the machine with quick delivery, HPM production base was set up in America, it has been the
capable of incorporating various options for different second time for Yizumi to large-scaly develop her overseas
applications and at the same time, at affordable prices market. As the corporation’s goal says, “we aim to be a
with next door service support with Yizumi’s modular world-class company in the injection molding industry”,
product design based on process application orientation, Yizumi has taken another important step forward.
Plastics News Feb ruar y 2018 32