Page 35 - Plastics News February 2018
P. 35


          India keen to build more roads with plastic waste

          With the Government keen to deliver on its promise managing Plastics waste most of the states are joining
          the force. GVMC and PMC adds to the list

           ndia has the world's second-largest road network and   with plastic waste across its various zones, PMC is to erect
          Igiven the latest impetus India should use its biggest   25-km road using plastic waste mixture
          investment in road construction to make its roads safer.   GVMC lay 26 roads across the city
          Analysts are of the view that not only it needs to be safer
          they need to build them cheaper with a home-grown     In  a  smart  and  eco-friendly  move,  the  Greater
          technology that salvages plastic waste.Though India has   VisakhapatnamMunicipal Corporation (GVMC) has been
          the world's second-largest road network it also has one   laying road made from plastic waste in various parts of the
          of the highest numbers of road accidents globally. Official   city, thereby putting the non-biodegradable plastic waste
          data recorded more than 150,000 deaths from about     to good use. By December 2017, they completed 16 such
          500,000 accidents last year.                          road stretches. These roads are not just cost-effective but
                                                                lasts longer than the usual asphalt roads. Taking a step
                                                                further towards becoming a smart city, GVMC had mooted
                                                                this project in 2016 when they had laid 10 roads across
                                                                all its zones includingAnakapalli. In 2017, till December,
                                                                16 more roads were completed. The length of various
                                                                stretches ranged from a few metres to three kilometres.
                                                                The aim is to construct more and more roads from plastic
                                                                waste wherever re-laying of roads is required and plastic
                                                                waste is available.

                                                                Dr A Hemanth, chief medical officer of GVMC said, "Under
                                                                solid waste management rules (2016), we are re-processing
                                                                plastic waste and also using the non-biodegradable waste

          Nearly a tenth of those deaths were caused by accidents   for road relaying whereever road repair is needed. Around
          involving potholes, which are a common feature of Indian   5-6% of the total dry waste generated in city consists of
          roads.  Earlier in noven  , the government announced an   plastic waste and procurement of plastic is part of the
          investment  of  6.9  trillion  rupees  ($11  billion)  to  build   practice of collecting segregated household waste from
          83,677  km  (52,000  miles)  of  roads  over  the  next  five   door-to-door.  Depending  on  the  availability  of  plastic,
          years.  Analysts called for them to be built with a tested   we will lay more roads with plastic waste across all the
          technology using plastic waste, which reduces costs and   GVMC zones. After laying such roads, we are putting up
          makes roads more durable and thus safer.  "Plastic roads   a signboard to increase public awareness indicating that
          will not only withstand future monsoon damage but will   the road has been laid using plastic waste and bitumen.
          also  solve  the  problem  of  disposing  of  non-recyclable   We have spent around Rs 2.5 crore in laying those 16 roads
          plastic," said Isher Judge Ahluwalia, former head of a   from plastic waste in 2017."
          government committee on urban infrastructure.          The roads from plastic waste consists of 8% plastic and 92

          With  the  Government  keen  to  deliver  on  its  promise   % bitumen or asphalt. There is a dual advantage of such
          managing Plastics waste most of the states are joining   roads. Besides utilising plastic waste effectively, "The cost
          the force. GVMC and PMC adds to the list. According to   of laying such roads is less than the usual asphalt roads
          the latest reports while GVMC  has already  laid 26 roads   and more important, the quality and longevity of such
                                                                roads is higher than the usual bitumen roads. If asphalt

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