Page 52 - Plastics News February 2018
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Toshiba displays 400 TO 1000 KN Nu – VU Conair introduces New
tonnage integrated solutions Series of Granulators
oshiba Machine (Chennai) Pvt. Ltd. (TMIC), is a u-Vu Pvt Ltd. introduced its new series of granulators,
Tsubsidiary of Toshiba Machine Group of Japan displayed Nwhich will cover wide range of applications
its highly sophisticated precision injection moudling such as spruces,
machines with tonnages ranging from 400 KN to 1000KN runners, parts,
and supported by a range of auxiliary equipment ranging performs, bottles,
from resin drying systems, conveying systems, temperature jars, sheets and
controllers, blending units, granulators and chillers. . In profiles. At the
addition, TMIC offers machines ranging from toggle to recently held
hydraulic ram and also specially configured hybrid system PLASTINDIA 2018
in Gandhinagar.
There are four
models o f the
gr anulato r s
namely CIM 20-
18, CBLT 42-2.0,
CBLM 35-25 and
CBMC 50-40 with
a capacity range
of 20 kg/hr to
to enhance productivity and lower operating costs. TMIC 300kg/hr. These
has adopted a single piece flow concept for manufacturing granulators can be used beside the IMM or off-line
lower tonnage machines. It was commissioned in 2011 application for batch grinding. The main features of
and TMIC claims that it is the first manufacturer in India these granulators are:- Rotating knives can be adjusted
to implement the concept for final machine integration. on workbench, Reversible counter knives, Tangential
Every machine is meticulously assembled in independently cutting chamber for bulky parts, Constant rotary
designed stages moving on a single line. Inline quality diameter, The screen has a surface corresponding to
control ensures that every equipment performs as per 50% of the rotary diameter, Inbuilt blower and cyclone
for regrind evacuation, Less noise and dust, Too-less
The heart of every machine is the drive system. Toshiba entry for cleaning and maintenance.
Machine is the drive system. Toshiba Machine offers Introduction of these new granulators will complement
high energy efficient servo hydraulics resulting in power and enhance their existing product range. The company
savings. TMIC is in the field of high end plastics injection expects good demand for this product as plastics
moulding machines and auxiliary equipment offering high recycling is gaining momentum in India. Nu-VU Conair
quality and value to the end users. TMIC is one of the Pvt. Ltd. Ahemdabad India is joint venture company
few manufacturers who design, program and integrate between Nu-Vu Engineers, Ahmedabad, India and the
custom controls such as the LNC6 and the more advanced Conair Group, headquartered in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
V-con systems, understanding the critical nature of the The joint venture began in 2007 and now, Nu-Vu Conair
electronic control. Auxiliary equipment ensures that the is a manufacturer of plastic auxiliary equipment in
moulding machines can operate efficiently to manufacture India and has state of the art manufacturing facility in
challenging and products, and aids in processing of plastics Ahmedabad to manufacture central vacuum conveying
from pellets to finished components. TMIC offers a wide systems, drying systems, gravimetric blending
range of consultations and solutions for applications and systems, chillers and mould temperature control
solutions for applications like automotive, PET performs, units, crytallisers, granulators and more, for polymer
caps and closures, thin wall containers, rPVC ancd dPVC processors.The company has a PAN India presence
fittings, etc
with highly trained sales and service engineer to serve
Plastics News Feb ruar y 2018 52