Page 58 - Plastics News February 2018
P. 58
Norway looking for business Antidumping duty likely on a
collaboration with Gujarat chemical from 4 countries
fter Israel, businesses from Norway are looking he government may impose antidumping duty
Aat the vast potential for business collaboration in Ton import of a chemical, used in industries like
Gujarat. Consul general of Norway, Ann Ollestad, who plastics, from four countries, including China, for
was in Ahmedabad said, Norway will soon explore business three years to guard domestic players from cheap
collaborations for electrification of ports in Gujarat using shipments.Imposition of the duty on imports of the
renewable energy chemical ‘Methyl Ethyl Keton’ from China, Japan,
sources. Ollestad South Africa and Taiwan was recommended by the
was present at a
business meeting commerce ministry’s investigation arm Directorate
o r ganiz ed at General of Antidumping and Allied Duties (DGAD).
Gujarat Chamber Cetex Petrochemicals Ltd had filed an application for
of Commerce and investigations into alleged dumping of the chemical.
Industries (GCCI). After completion of the investigation, the DGAD in its
To take this final findings have stated that domestic industry has
forward, a high- suffered material injury on account of the dumped
level business imports. “The authority recommends imposition of
delegation from Norway will visit Ahmedabad at the definitive anti-dumping duties on the imports...for 3
end of April this year. Sharing more details, Ollestad years,” the DGAD has said in a notification.
said, "This will be achieved by deploying clean energy
sources at ports. Gujarat is also developing its ports and While DGAD recommends the duty, the finance ministry
the same could help minimize seawater pollution. We've imposes the same.Imports of the chemical from these
implemented this across ports in Norway, too, and have four countries increased to 44,470 tonne during July
been using green shipping technologies widely." 2015 and September 2016 from 26,969 tonne in 2013–
The business delegation that is set to visit from Norway 14. The probe took into account data for July 2015
will also explore business opportunities in sectors such to September 2016 period. Countries carry out anti-
as waste recycling including biofuel and clean water dumping probe to determine whether their domestic
technologies in addition to ship breaking technologies industries have been hurt because of a surge in below-
and research opportunities in pharmaceuticals. "Norway
has widely implemented zero-waste technology and
the same could be a major boost to Gujarat and India.
There is a wide scope for collaboration when it comes to
environment-friendly practices and technologies," said
Shailesh Patwari, president, GCCI.
Ollestad said Norway is also looking to collaborate with
educational institutes for higher education. "We would
approach institutes like IIMA and IIT Bombay. We are
looking at collaboration between universities in Norway
and leading institutes in India over higher education cost imports. As a counter measure, they impose duties
at masters level programmes," he said. "As part of the under the multilateral regime of WTO.The duty is also
exchange, students will not just study in another country, aimed at ensuring fair trading practises and creating a
but also take training at companies in the respective
countries they're visiting to get better work exposure and level-playing field for domestic producers with regard
understand the business cultures of the two countries to foreign producers and exporters. India has already
better," she said. imposed anti-dumping duty on several products to check
below-cost imports from countries including China.
Plastics News Feb ruar y 2018 58