Page 22 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 22


          The Flipflopi endeavor for Plastic waste

         The Flipflopi, a nine-metre-long dhow, built from 10 tonnes of plastic waste, is on voyage - to reach out to
         global communities

           t was 6pm when an unusual rainbow-coloured boat,     The Flipflopi, built from 10 tonnes of plastic waste, was
         Imade of recycled plastic waste and discarded flip-flops   first  launched  late  last  year.  Ben  Moriso,  co-founder
         gathered from beaches and roadsides, dropped anchor    began working on the project in 2016 "to transmit the
         off  the  beach  at  Mtwapa,  near  Kenya's  coastal  city  of   message about the impact that plastic is having on marine
         Mombasa.                                               ecosystems, how this affects us, and most important of
                                                                all, what we can do about it". Researchers estimate the
         The  nine-metre-long  dhow,  "The  Flipflopi",  was  sailing
         south along East Africa's coast to raise awareness of the   world has produced more than 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic
         threat plastics pose to the oceans, said chief boat-builder   since the early 1950s, according to UN Environment. Of all
         and captain Ali Skanda. Beaches and marine ecosystems   plastic waste, just nine per cent has been recycled. About
         have been badly affected by plastics, Skanda said, adding   12 per cent was incinerated, while the rest ended up in
         it was time to change local people's mindset on how they   dumps, landfill or loose in the environment. In partnership
         handle and dispose of waste. "That's why we started this   with  the  Flipflopi-Clean  Seas  campaign,  the  Mombasa
         voyage - to reach out to communities in East Africa, and   County government committed to help keep plastic waste
         also globally," he said.  The boat's voyage took it 500   off its beaches by closing its biggest dump, Kibarani, and
         kilometres south from Lamu island in Kenya to Zanzibar   turning it into a natural space by planting trees.
         in neighbouring Tanzania over two weeks starting on    UN Environment has been working with the local
         23rd January.                                          government to clean up and rehabilitate the Kibarani
                                                                dump, which has emptied waste into the ocean for 50
                                                                years, according to Mombasa County Governor Hassan Joho
                                                                saying , “the area's importance as a tourism destination
                                                                meant there was a need for proper waste management. We
                                                                have serious historical damages to our environment that
                                                                we need to deal with - the amount of plastics waste that
                                                                was here was unbelievable. We decided to change this,
                                                                [but] Kibarani is just a fraction," he said, adding Mombasa
                                                                needs  $US20  million  each  financial  year  to  efficiently
                                                                manage its waste.”
                                                                Still, "we are happy we are on the right track", he added.
         Along the way the boat made six stops, with its crew   Africa faces a significant funding gap - of up to $US40
         joining local people, schools and officials for beach clean-  billion - in tackling waste management, said Juliette Biao
         ups and events highlighting the effect of plastic pollution   Koudenoukpo, the director of UN Environment's Africa
         on the seas.The motivation for boat-builder and fisherman   office. The continent's municipal solid waste generation,
         Hassan Mohammed, 56, was seeing how much has changed   currently 125 million tonnes annually, is expected to
         in recent decades.
                                                                double by 2025 due to changing purchasing habits and
         Until 20 years ago, the shore at Mtwapa was free of    rapid urbanisation, she added. "We are struggling in Africa
         pollution, he said. But tourism has meant increased use   because waste management isn't our priority," she said.
         of plastic carrier bags and bottles, which has harmed the   "Waste is a threat to biodiversity, [but] it's possible to
         ocean. "When I started fishing, the only people around   transform this threat into opportunity - we can recycle
         were fishermen and fisherwomen - and we used woven     and create jobs."
         baskets and no plastics," he said. "Nowadays, many people
         have started local businesses, like hotels along the shores,   The effort to clean up Kibarani has already changed
         and contributed to a huge mess - as you can see, the place   the attitude of 24-year-old dump-site worker Lilian
         is littered with plastic bottles," he added.           Ayuma. "Since I started working here I have become

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