Page 24 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 24


          Packaging insights for 2019

         Packaging is going digital. Consumers want an experience with their packaging, and brands want to further
         engage shoppers with their stories

             s brand owners in the food space look forward to   pharmaceutical is yet another major user of the packaging
         A2019, several trends could – and should – affect their   industry. "Pharmaceutical packaging has now become a
         upcoming packaging decisions. To successfully build their   foremost part of the drug delivery system," it added.
         brands, most food companies know the best way to present
         their product is through effective packaging. Consumers –   A recent report by predicts that
         especially the younger generations – are driving many of   demand for sustainable packaging will grow about 5.1
         the changes in packaging. They see packaging as a way to   percent annually by 2025. These actions are likely to spur
         find healthier food products, prevent waste and protect   innovation among packaging suppliers. Look for suppliers to
         the environment.                                       enhance processes that may make recycled plastics more
                                                                usable with food products and develop new bio-polymers
         Sustainability has been an issue in packaging for so long now
         that it is difficult to call it a “trend.” However, it is still at the   and cellulosic fibers that are recyclable.Despite its bad rap
                                                                on recyclability, flexible packaging continues to grow rapidly.
         forefront of considerations for many packaging decisions,
         especially with recent calls to create a circular economy by   Bags, pouches and wraps have so many advantages, such
                                                                as shelf appeal, light weight, less material usage, ease of
         reducing single-use plastics. Many major food brand owners,
         including PepsiCo, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Unilever and nearly   storage, easy opening and resealability. However, use of
                                                                laminated structures inhibit recycling because the layers
         250 brands globally have committed to making all packaging
         recyclable by 2025.                                    can’t be separated.
                                                                Advances in single-polymer packages, bio-polymers and
                                                                other structural evolution will make pouches and bags even
                                                                more attractive to food companies. Pouches also can be used
                                                                with emerging processing technologies, such as HPP and
                                                                microwave-assisted processing. A related development is the
                                                                increasing need for transparency, not just in ingredients, but
                                                                in the packaging, too. Consumers want to see the product
                                                                itself to know what is really inside the package.
                                                                Packaging also is going digital. Consumers want an
                                                                experience with their packaging, and brands want to further
                                                                engage shoppers with their stories. This is most apparent
                                                                in the area of digital printing, which is making inroads with
                                                                all types of packaging, from cartons to pouches and cans.
                                                                For the first time, converters’ purchases of digital presses in
                                                                2018 was expected to surpass flexo presses. Digital printing
         According to a study by Assocham-EY. India’s packaging   now offers comparable print quality and brisk improvements
         industry is expected to touch $72.6 billion by FY20 on
         account of rising population and income levels, The industry   in capacity compared to other forms of printing. With the
                                                                ability to produce variable printing, packaging of all types
         was $31.7 billion in 2015.The growth is driven by key
         factors such as rising population, increase in income levels   can be personalized and customized.
         and changing lifestyles. It said that boom in e-commerce   Some converters are going all-in with digital printing. For
         and organised retail will enhance the growth of plastic   instance, ePac, with six locations and more than 20 digital
         packaging and per-capita consumption in the years to come.   presses, is the first U.S.-based flexible packaging company
         Fast-moving consumer goods is one of the primary growing   built  entirely  on  emerging  digital  printing  technology,
         segments in the retail sector and is also one of the biggest   providing brands rapid turnaround and the ability to order
         end users of the packaging industry, it said adding that   custom printed short- and medium-run length jobs.

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