Page 46 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 46

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          BTG labs introduces SA 2001                            Amcor Flexibles releases Genesis

                                                                 PE Laminate
             TG Labs has released the Surface Analyst (SA) 2001, its
         Bnewest handheld solution for inspecting flexible film.In   mcor Flexibles
         two seconds, the SA 2001 inspects the surface quality of a   AAmericas  has
         film and determines if it has been properly prepared for   released Genesis, an
         adhesion processes like lamination or printing. In moments,   all-polyethylene (PE)
         it can make reliable, objective inspections across an entire   laminate that looks and
         roll of film as a replacement for destructive dyne solutions.   feels like traditional
         These measurements can be made in-plant to verify the   oriented polypropylene
         quality  of  incoming  material  from  suppliers,  following   (oPP)/PE and oriented
         film  surface  treatment  or  on-site  following  customer   polyester (oPET)/PE
         complaints about adhesion problems. The results are     laminates.Genesis
         immediately available as an objective number, as opposed   overcomes challenges
                                     to time-consuming and       with production, ease-
                                     subjectively interpreted    of-use, durability and aesthetics that have been
                                     dyne solution readings.     associated with other packages intended for in-
                                     The SA 2001 is a fast,      store recycling. Targeting a wide range of segments,
                                     simple, accurate and non-   including fresh produce, frozen food, dried fruits,
                                     destructive entry-level     nuts, confectionery, chilled goods and pet food,
                                     inspection instrument       Genesis is adaptable to a variety of packaging types
                                     for manufacturers and       and  is  appropriate  for  certain  medical,  home  and
                                     users  of  flexible  film  for   personal care markets.Applying an innovative PE
                                     whom critical film surface   formulation, Genesis achieves new levels of clarity,
                                     requirements mean the       gloss and stiffness close to those of oPP/PE and oPET/PE
                                     difference between          laminations while delivering – for the first time – a true,
                                     success and failure.        in-store recyclable alternative for brand owners and
         Primarily designed as a handheld system, the SA 2001 is   retailers.“Consumer goods need to be packaged with
         also available in a package with an inspection station for   high-quality materials that perform most effectively,
         film surface analysis testing. This includes a fixture into   with the lowest possible impact on the environment,”
         which the user slides a piece of film, using the SA 2001   says Amcor Flexibles Americas president Tom Cochran.
         unit in a fixed position to inspect the surface, speeding   “We take considerable pride in developing and making
         production.                                             packaging that is constantly better for customers
                                                                 and the environment. The Genesis product is pre-
         The slim, compact design of the SA 2001 case enables    approved by How2Recycle for in-store recycling with
         the device to make measurements in any direction and    other PE film products across North America.“Genesis
         on any type substrate.The SA 2001 is powered by Archer,   maintains the look-and-feel, and shelf life delivered
         BTG Labs’ software that streamlines the inspections to   with  conventional laminates,”  says Amcor  product
         ensure reliability and consistency in film surface state.   development  manager  Laurent  Vincent.  “We  are
         This further distinguishes the SA 2001 inspection process   delivering on those requirements while also reducing
         from dyne inks, which are chemically destructive to     carbon footprint by 35 percent against commonly used
         the materials they inspect, create scrap,  and  are not   packaging.” In addition to designing all its packaging
         reliably  repeatable.  However,  the  SA  2001  features  a   to be recyclable or reusable, Amcor has committed to
         Dyne Mode, in which it delivers inspection results in   significantly increasing its use of recycled materials and
         dynes/cm, enabling users to receive and work with dyne   working with consumer goods companies, government
         results without the need to use the ink process. BTG Labs   agencies, NGOs and others to drive greater worldwide
         continues its research and development in the Materials   recycling. The introduction of  Genesis follows  the
         and Processing lab, while constantly improving the Surface   company’s announcement in September 2018.
         Analyst technology.

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