Page 44 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 44
Business news
Carbon partners with Lamborghini Indorama acquires Bevpak
on 3D printed plastic parts
hai chemicals company Indorama Ventures Ltd.
T(IVL) has taken over the Nigerian packaging
arbon has partnered with yet another automaker to company Bevpak (Nigeria) Ltd, continuing the series
Cproduce 3D printed parts for use on a production of recent acquisitions by IVL in recent years. Indorama
vehicle. Carbon will be 3D printing parts for the luxury Ventures (IVL), through its indirect subsidiary,
brand Lamborghini. The additive manufacturing company, Indorama Netherlands, has signed a definitive share
based in Redwood City, California is collaborating with purchase agreement with Church Street Trustees as
Italian automaker Automobili Lamborghini SpA to produce trustees of the SI Trust, BTI Overseas Ltd. and Capital
two 3D printed plastic parts on the Urus super sport utility Alliance Private Equity II to acquire Bevpak (Nigeria)
vehicle. It is estimated that approximately 1,000 Urus Ltd, as per Apic-online.Bevpak, located in Ibadan,
Super SUVs are produced each year, and these will feature Nigeria, is "one of the largest" manufacturers of
two 3D printed polyethylene terephthalate preforms in West Africa,
co mpo nents. IVL noted. It has a production capacity of 18,000
The 3D printing t/y. The transaction, for which a value was not
unico r n’ s given, is expected to be completed within the first
additiv e quarter of 2019, subject to regulatory approvals. As
manufacturing MRC informed before, Indorama Ventures (IVL) has
technology will commenced production of purified terephthalic acid
be used to make (PTA) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) at plants
a textured fuel it acquired from Artlant PTA in Portugal and EIPET
cap with the in Egypt, respectively. Indorama Ventures Public
Urus label and a Company Limited, listed in Thailand, is one of the
clip component world's leading petrochemicals producers, a global
for an air duct. Interestingly Carbon tell us that no manufacturing footprint with 59 sites in 20 countries
further post-processing is require ed and “the fuel cover across Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. The
gets screwed into the rest of the assembly following
the print.” Stefan Gramse, Chief Procurement Officer
of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A said, “Through our
extensive procurement research, we found that many
of our vehicle components were ideal candidates for
digital manufacturing,” Carbon has not confirmed how
many 3D printers Lamborghini will acquire, and does not
disclose the location of where manufacturing will take
place. However, while the initial production volume of
parts appears small there are plans to increase the use
of 3D printing at the automotive manufacturer.“Carbon’s
digital manufacturing solution empowers companies
like Lamborghini with the freedom to design and build
better products on the means of production,” said
Dr. Joseph DeSimone, CEO and Co-Founder of Carbon. company's portfolio is comprises necessities and high
“The automotive industry shows significant promise for value-added (HVA) categories of polymers, fibers, and
using digital fabrication for production at scale, and packaging. Indorama Ventures has approx. 15,000
our partnership with Lamborghini is a perfect example employees worldwide and consolidated revenue of
of the kind of innovation you can achieve when you fuse USD 8.4 billion in 2017. The company is listed in the
design, manufacturability and engineering all into one.”
Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI).
Plastics News Februar y 2019 4446