Page 54 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 54


         Researchers develop fire-retardant coating featuring renewable


             exas A&M University researchers are developing a   using a butane torch to determine the level of protection
         Tnew kind of flame-retardant coating using renewable,   the compounds provided. While uncoated polyurethane
         nontoxic materials readily found in nature, which could   foam  immediately  melts  when  exposed  to  flame,  the
         provide even more effective fire protection for several   foam treated with the researchers' coating prevented
                                widely used materials.Dr. Jaime   the fire from damaging any further than surface level,
                                Grunlan, the Linda & Ralph      leaving the foam underneath undamaged."The nanobrick
                                Schmidt '68 Professor in the    wall structure of the coating reduces the temperature
                                J. Mike Walker '66 Department   experienced by the underlying foam, which delays
                                of Mechanical Engineering at    combustion," Grunlan said. "This coating also serves to
                                Texas A&M, led the recently     promote insulating char formation and reduces the release
                                published research that is      of fumes that feed a fire.
                                featured on the cover of a
                                recent issue of the journal
                                Advanced Materials Interfaces.   Upcycling plastic bags into
                                Successful  development  and
                                implementation of the coating    battery parts
         could provide better fire protection to materials including
         upholstered furniture, textiles and insulation."These      esearchers have reported a new method to convert
         coatings offer the opportunity to reduce the flammability  Rplastic bags into carbon chips that could be used
         of the polyurethane foam used in a variety of furniture   as anodes for lithium-ion batteries. They report their
         throughout most people's homes," Grunlan noted.         results in ACS Omega Many plastic bags are used only
                                                                 once and then disposed, ending up in landfills, oceans
         The project is a result of an ongoing collaboration between   and elsewhere in the environment, where they can take
         Grunlan and a group of researchers at KTH Royal Institute   hundreds of years to decompose. Scientists have long
         of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, led by Lars Wagberg.   recognized that the polyethylene in plastic bags could
         The group, which specializes in utilizing nanocellulose,   be an inexpensive source of energy-storing carbon.
         provided Grunlan with the ingredients he needed to      However, previous methods to upcycle polyethylene
         complement his water-based coating procedure. In        into  pure  carbon  have  been  inefficient  or  required
         nature, both the cellulose -- a component of wood and   expensive, complex processes.
         various sea creatures -- and clay -- a component in soil
         and rock formations -- act as mechanical reinforcements   Vilas Pol and colleagues wanted to develop a simpler
         for the structures in which they are found."The uniqueness   yet efficient approach to convert plastic waste into
                                                                 useful carbon-containing materials. The researchers
         in this current study lies in the use of two naturally   immersed polyethylene plastic bags in sulfuric acid
         occurring nanomaterials, clay nanoplatelets and cellulose   and sealed them inside a solvothermal reactor, which
         nanofibrils," Grunlan said. "To the best of our knowledge,   heated the sample to just below polyethylene's melting
         these ingredients have never been used to make a heat   temperature.  This  treatment caused sulfonic acid
         shielding or flame-retardant coating as a multilayer thin   groups to be added to the polyethylene carbon-carbon
         film deposited from water."Among the benefits gained from   backbone so that the plastic could be heated to a much
         using this method include the coating's ability to create an   higher temperature without vaporizing into hazardous
         excellent oxygen barrier to plastic films -- commonly used   gases. Then, they removed the sulfonated polyethylene
         for food packaging -- and better fire protection at a lower   from the reactor and heated it in a furnace in an inert
         cost than other, more toxic ingredients traditionally used   atmosphere to produce pure carbon. The team ground
         flame-retardant treatments. To test the coatings, Grunlan   the carbon into a black powder and used it to make
         and his colleagues applied the flexible polyurethane foam   anodes for lithium-ion batteries. The resulting batteries
         -- often used in furniture cushions -- and exposed it to fire   performed comparably to commercial batteries.

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