Page 56 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 56


          Ferroelectric polymers made more versatile

            cientists have developed a toolbox for the production   Department of Polymer Science and co-first author of the
          Sof different PVDF-based block copolymers with        Nature  Communications  paper.Together with his fellow
          tuneable properties. Scientists from the University of   Ph.D. student Niels Meereboer and their supervisor,
          Groningen have created block copolymers from PVDF     Professor of Polymer Science Katja Loos, Terzic devised
          that  leave  its  ferroelectricity  intact,  but  allow  them   a way to produce a copolymer of vinylidene fluoride and
          to tune its characteristics. The ferroelectric polymer   trifluoroethylene with a functionalized end group that can
          PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) has interesting properties   be linked to an insulating polymer chain to form a block
                                                                copolymer. Next, the scientists showed that the material
                                                                forms small domains at nanometre scales, through phase
                                                                separation between the blocks.  These domains take
                                                                different shapes -- lamellar, cylindrical or spherical, for
                                                                instance -- depending on the ratio between the blocks.
                                                                Free-standing films- Terzic: 'Others have tried to prepare
                                                                PVDF block copolymers, but they could only produce blocks
                                                                with short polymer chains. In that case, the blocks mix
                                                                and show no phase separation.' By varying the type of
                                                                block and preparing block copolymers of sufficient length,
                                                                the scientists were able to tune the properties of the
                                                                material. An important part of this work was the ability to
                                                                make free-standing films of the polymer with satisfactory
                                                                mechanical properties. 'This allowed us to investigate the
                                                                properties of the material.'Terzic used block copolymers
                                                                to improve the interactions between PVDF and inorganic
                                                                nano-objects and to improve their dispersion of inside
                                                                the polymer. For example, magnetic nanoparticles can
          and could be used to store information or energy. One   be added to the PVDF to produce a multiferroic material
          of the main drawbacks of PVDF is that if you add extra   that has both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties,
          functional groups to improve certain properties, this also   which means it can be coupled. Furthermore, changing
          interferes with its ferroelectricity. They wanted not only   the behavior of PVDF could make energy retrieval more
          to study how this polymer works but also to widen its use   efficient. 'That would allow us to make a highly efficient
          to  include  flexible  organic  electronics.  PVDF  polymers   capacitator that could be used wherever stored energy
          possess polar structures with dipoles that can be aligned   needs  to  be  released  fast,  like  in  defibrillators  or  to
          with the application of an electric field. The orientation   convert direct current from solar panels to alternating
          of the dipoles can be reversed by changing the direction   current.'
          of the electric field. The material thus shows switchable
          behavior, which means it could be used for information   Toolbox-Overall, the authors have created a toolbox for
          storage. The presence of dipoles in PVDF and its high   the production of different PVDF-based block copolymers
          dielectric constant means that energy storage in capacitors   with tunable properties. 'We can use this to increase our
          could also be an option, although its ferroelectricity would   understanding of the ferroelectric and other properties
          reduce the efficiency of such capacitors.             of PVDF, but also for new applications', says Terzic. 'The
                                                                organic  PVDF  is  flexible,  lightweight  and  non-toxic,  in
          Phase separation- Modification of the material might solve   contrast to some inorganic ferroelectrics that often
          this issue. 'However, modifying the molecules by attaching   contain lead. And it is bio-compatible, so medical
          side chains affects their ferroelectric properties', explains   applications are another interesting possibility.'
          Ivan Terzic, a Ph.D. student at the University of Groningen's

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