Page 35 - Plastics News February 2020
P. 35
New Report Shows Many Plastics Aren't Actually Recyclable
While Greenpeace report says that many plastics are not actually recyclable despite companies claiming of
single-use plastic items being recyclable, a recent Indian study vouches for prevailing consumers confusion
over single-use plastic
merican recycling facilities can only recycle a bottles and jugs are made of the two kinds of plastics
Ahandful of the types of plastic being sent their way. that are most often accepted, even those products are
That means many plastic products that Americans are often covered in shrink-wrap labels that make those
tossing into recycling bins aren’t actually being recycled, products non-recyclable by most facilities as well.The
according to a Greenpeace report published It’s the report says that since companies are “expanding the use
latest sign our recycling system is broken. of ‘recyclable’ labels on plastic products at an aggressive
pace” in response to growing public concern about plastic
Many people Many people think of plastics as one
category of recyclables, but there are actually seven pollution, this is the time to ensure that labels only go on
different types labeled by handy numbers, each with its products that can actually be recycled by most facilities.
own process to be recycled. Researchers surveyed 357 But Greenpeace found that numerous major U.S.
of recycling facilities across the nation and found most companies, such as Target, Nestlé, Danone, Walmart,
of them accept types #1 and #2, which is what bottles and Aldi, have placed recyclable labels on products
that most facilities can’t accept. While there are some
changes afoot to address this glaring issue, Greenpeace
said that that it will file complaints with the Federal
Trade Commission against companies that do not make
changes to recycling labels.
“Our recycling system is in real trouble right now, and
one of the big reasons is that it is being overwhelmed
by enormous amounts of low value on non-recyclable
plastic,” said Hocevar. “It all goes into the same system,
so it’s driving down the efficiency and cost effectiveness
of recycling, in general. We really want to be able to have
a reality-based conversation with corporate executives
and policymakers about the need to move away from
and jugs are most commonly made of. But the other five throw-away single use materials, plastic especially, but
types are less commonly accepted.
as long as they are pretending that all plastic packaging
The findings show 14 percent of the facilities accept is recyclable, it’s difficult to get from where we are now
plastic clamshell food containers, 11 percent accept to the solutions we need.”
plastic cups, 4 percent accept plastic bags and 1 percent Some of those solutions, Hocevar said, are encompassed
accept plastic cutlery, straws, and stirrers. Single- by a federal bill introduced on Capitol Hill last week.
use culture means these things are being produced in That bill would ban some kinds of plastics, put a pause
greater quantities. And while they may well say they’re of up to three years on permitting new plastic production
recyclable, the reality is far different in many places.
facilities, and require big corporations to design,
“That means that in most households, you can’t send manage, and pay for recycling programs. That could help
those to a facility that will recycle them,” says John head off the plastic production boom the U.S. oil and gas
Hocevar, who led the report for Greenpeace . “So they’re industry is planning over the next five years, which could
going to end up in the landfill or incinerator, or just go further worsen the problem by flooding the market with
straight into the environment”, he adds Further, though new plastic. But more honest labeling is also another
35 Februar y 2020 Plastics News