Page 21 - Plastics News February 2022
P. 21
Nexgen Packaging Invests To Expand Eastman To Invest $1 Bn
Capabilities In Latin America In Molecular Recycling
m at e ri al
c ompany
E a stma n
and French
Pr esident
Emman u e l
Macron have
annou nc e d
a $1bn investment in a molecular
recycling facility in France. The multi-
phase project consists of a unit
to prepare mixed plastic waste for
processing and a methanolysis unit
to depolymerise the waste. It will
also include polymer lines that will
ultinational packaging supplier manufacturing strategies in response
MNexgen Packaging has made to the supply chain challenges the retail produce high-quality materials for
strategic investments to strengthen its industry is experiencing. “Nexgen has use in speciality, packaging and textile
production capabilities in Latin America. always pursued the strategy of investing applications. To support France’s
The company opened a production in production facilities close to our circular economy, Eastman will also
develop an innovation centre for
facility in Querétaro City, Mexico, this customers’ points of manufacturing molecular recycling. Scheduled to
month, which will manufacture packaging and these investments in Mexico and begin operations in 2025, the facility
solutions for retailers in Mexico, Central Guatemala reflect our commitment to will use Eastman’s polyester renewal
America and the US.The team at the meeting our customers’ supply chain technology to process up to 160,000t
facility has experience in printed tags needs. “We are proud of our teams of hard-to-recycle plastic waste a year.
and labels, radio frequency identification in Latin America and excited about Once operational, both the plant and
(RFID) solutions and sustainable the opportunities this will create for the innovation will create jobs for
solutions for the retail industry. This Nexgen and our customers.” Nexgen around 350 people, as well as another
investment comes after Nexgen acquired supplies packaging for the retail, apparel 1,500 indirect jobs in recycling, energy
and footwear industries, operating
the majority of assets of Guatemala- 17 production facilities worldwide. and infrastructure. Eastman board
based company Imprimelo last month. The company has also expanded its chair and CEO Mark Costa said: “The
The acquisition is intended to allow manufacturing capabilities in Indonesia, investment in France is a significant
Nexgen to expand its print and RFID India, Ethiopia and Spain over the past step forward in Eastman’s strategy
capabilities to meet the requirements of three years. It operates head offices in to accelerate a circular economy
customers in Central America. These China, the US and Spain. These recent globally.“Eastman is proud to partner
expansions will enable Nexgen to address investments in Latin America allow with the French government to actively
the increasing demand from retailers our customers to meet the quick turn contribute to France’s and the EU’s bold
and manufacturers, as well as allow its production needed for omni-channel commitments. “The announcement
customers to take advantage of trade retail and take advantage of trade today has been made possible thanks
agreements between the US, Canada, agreements between the US, Canada, to the support of President Macron,
Mexico and Central America. Nexgen Mexico, and Central America. Nexgen the French government and its
co-CEO Jim Welch said: “Our customers a global provider combines centralized agency, Business France, who have
in the US and Europe are aggressively manufacturing with local and in-plant worked with impressive urgency to
pursuing nearshoring and onshoring production capabilities. enable and incentivise this large and
complex project.”