Page 25 - Plastics News February 2022
P. 25


          Subsidy Levels Tapered, Starting With Food, Fuel, Fertilisers

             he Budget projected the Centre’s  Higher food and fertiliser subsidy levels  India Ratings. According to the World
         Ttotal subsidy bill for FY23 at Rs  in FY21 and FY22 have been a departure  Bank data, in December 2021, the
         3.56 lakh crore, down 27.1 per cent  from a trend of falling subsidies on both  international price of urea had risen to
         from Revised Estimates for the current  food and fertilisers between FY16 and  $890 per tonne, up from an average of
         fiscal. The Centre has reduced its subsidy  FY20. After the onset of the pandemic,  $351 per tonne in the first quarter of the
         budget for food, fertiliser and fuel in  the government had announced 5 kg  fiscal, while the price of di-ammonium
         the upcoming fiscal by 26.6 per cent,  of free grain per person a month, apart  phosphate had risen to $745 per tonne
         compared to the Revised Estimates for  from the regular 5 kg quota of wheat or   from an average price of $574 per tonne
         this fiscal. Experts have noted that the  rice at Rs 2 and Rs 3/kg, respectively.   in the same period. Subsidy on fuels is
         move signals a normalisation of subsidy  The programme, which was initially   restricted to Liquified Petroleum Gas
         levels after two fiscals, which saw subsidy  announced for the first quarter of FY21,   (LPG) since the government ended the
         bills soar as the government sought to  has been extended till March 2022.    subsidy  on kerosene  in  the  previous
         dampen the impact of the pandemic  D K Joshi, chief economist at CRISIL,   budget. LPG subsidy for the current
         by offering a free food programme and  said the reduction in subsidies was part   fiscal is estimated at Rs 6,517 crore
         bore the brunt of higher international  of a process of normalisation as the   against a budget estimate of Rs 14,073
         fertiliser prices.The Budget projected the  pandemic winds down. Fertiliser subsidy   crores. The projected subsidy is expected
         Centre’s total subsidy bill for FY23 at Rs  bill for this fiscal was about 76 per cent   to fall further to Rs 5,813 crore for the
         3.56 lakh crore, down 27.1 per cent from  higher than Budget Estimates due to   upcoming fiscal. Despite significant
         Revised Estimates for the current fiscal.  high international prices, according to   increases in the price of  LPG since
         The food subsidy bill in the upcoming  experts. “Fertiliser subsidy is to a large   Q3FY20, the government has kept the
         fiscal is projected to come down to Rs  extent dependent on global prices of   LPG subsidy only for consumers who
         2.07 lakh crore from Rs 2.86 lakh crore  fertilisers. This fiscal global prices were
         and the fertiliser one is set to come down  very high, that’s why there was a need   would  otherwise  have  to  bear  high
         to Rs 1.05 lakh crore from Rs 1.40 lakh  to increase fertiliser subsidy during the   charges for the cost of transportation
         crore in the current fiscal.        year,” said D K Pant, chief economist at   of LPG due to their homes.

          Changes In Import Duty In Budget 2022

             inance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman  from China, either as complete units  units spread across 10-12 districts with
          Fhas  introduced  a  slew  of   higher  or as knocked down units which are  Kerala being the major manufacturing
          custom duties on items of daily use such  then assembled in factories in India.  state. The government seems to be
          as umbrellas, headphones, earphones,  For example, the customs duty on  offering protection to such industries. It
          loudspeakers, smart meters, and imitation  umbrellas was doubled to 20 per cent,  also falls in line with the other Budget
          jewelry. Signalling a move to protect  while exemptions provided on import  announcement of  popularising one
          domestic industries which are not  of parts of umbrellas were withdrawn.  station-one product to popularise local
          necessarily capital, technology or labour  Similarly, the customs duty on single or  businesses and supply chains. One
          intensive, Finance Minister Nirmala  multiple loudspeakers, whether or not  station-one product as a concept aims to
          Sitharaman on Tuesday introduced a  mounted in their enclosures was hiked  promote a local product from each stop
          slew of higher custom duties on items of  to 20 per cent from 15 per cent.  Experts  of the Indian Railways by making the
          daily use such as umbrellas, headphones,  said the hike in import duty for items,  railway station of that area a promotional
          earphones, loudspeakers, smart meters,  such as umbrellas, are in line with the  and sales hub for the product.
          and imitation jewelry.             increase in import duty on toys last year.
                                             “The hike is being done for industries   Which items  will  see  the  biggest
          Who do the duty changes help and   which manufacture items that do not   change  in their  import  duty  struc-
          what do they signify?              deploy any major technology. Umbrellas,   ture next fiscal?
          Most of these products are imported   for instance, are manufactured in small   Apart from umbrellas, the customs duty

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