Page 18 - Plastics News January 2021
P. 18

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          Conair buys Phoenix Systems                            Yum China rolls out initiatives

          Corporation                                            to cut down Plastic use

             he parent company of                                   um China, the operator of several fast-casual brands,
          Tauxiliary machinery maker                             Yincluding KFC and Pizza Hut in China, has stepped
          Conair the global leading                              up its effort for the reduction of plastic use across its
          supplier of auxiliary plastic                          brands in the country. The company has launched a
          process equipment and systems,                         series of environmentally friendly packaging initiatives
          has acquired Phoenix Systems                           in line with the latest regulations in the country. These
          Corporation, a California-based                        include replacing current plastic packaging with paper
          builder of pellet and powder                           straws, paper bags, and biodegradable plastic bags.
          conveying systems geared for                           With  the  new  initiatives, Yum  China  expects  to  cut
          processors in packaging and                            down approximately 8,000t of non-degradable plastics
          other  markets  where  material                        annually, beginning this year. Yum China CEO Joey Wat
          consumption is high. However the financial terms of the   said: “The new plastic reduction initiatives reinforce
          dea, were not disclosed. The deal would mean  Phoenix,   our sustainability strategy to drive meaningful change
          which specializes in supplying powder conveying and    through packaging innovation and reduction.“In
          railcar unloading equipment and technology, will now   line with our long-term commitment to supporting
          become part of Conair Group. IPEG Industrial Group, based   economic, social, and environmental development,
          in Pennsylvania, USA, believes that the acquisition will   we are committed to working with customers,
          bolster Conair’s bulk material-handling capabilities and   partners, and all other stakeholders to promote a more
          enhance its ability to serve customers in industries including   sustainable future.” Following the initiative, all KFC
          packaging. “With that, we also acquire the applications   restaurants in mainland China will stop using plastic
          knowledge and intellectual property, which will allow   straws, starting this month. Pizza Hut restaurants in
          us to more easily develop new products and extend the   the region eliminated the use of plastic straws by the
                                                                 end of 2020. In addition, over 90% of KFC restaurants
          line further,” said IPEG’s president Kirk Winstead. Leroy   will switch to wooden cutlery for dine-in and takeaway.
          Johnson, former owner of Phoenix Systems, added that as
          he considered retirement, it was a natural progression to
          transition his products into the Conair brand, after a long
          and successful working relationship with the company.
          Conair has been collaborating on specialised powder
          conveying and railcar unloading equipment and technology
          with Phoenix for more than two decades. The company
          and its products will now become part of Conair, which
          already has an extensive family of material-handling
          equipment. Phoenix’s product line includes railcar
          unloading  systems  for  powder  and  pellets,  pressure-
          blowing systems, vacuum-blowing systems, blending silo
          systems, cyclones, dust collectors, and other devices. In   Yum China aims to phase out non-degradable plastic
          addition to packaging, Phoenix’s technology is utilized in   bags and cutlery across all KFC restaurants in mainland
          high-volume building and construction markets such as   China by the end of 2025 and eliminate the use of non-
          pipe and profiles, compounding and recycling. Phoenix   degradable plastic bags in Pizza Hut restaurants by the
          Plastics was established in 1996, but the number of years   end of 2022. In January 2020, China announced plans
          of plastic additives experience they bring to the table   to restrict the use of single-use plastic straws and bags
          extends much longer than two decades.                  to reduce plastic pollution.

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