Page 15 - Plastics News January 2021
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AipmA At work
enforced and applicant suggested that policy of ‘buy back’ Also, national framework for EPR under PWM Rules, 2018 is
be introduced. under consideration at MoEF&CC. CPCB has communicated
to MoEF&CC to clearly enumerate the items to be covered
The applicant also submitted that 27 lakh pens are
produced per day and it is not possible for the Local Bodies under EPR.
to collect and treat the waste as contemplated under the The tribunal therefore held that although “Plastic pen”
rules. The cost of refill is high which encourages purchase is not specifically mentioned under the PWM Rules, 2018,
of fresh pens and consumerism instead of going for refills they are covered in the definition of plastic under Rule (O).
to avoid waste. The waste is at times burnt causing The matter has also been dealt with by a separate order
pollution. There is, thus, policy gap as pens do not find passed today in E.A. 13/2019 in OA 247/2017, Central
specific mention in the policies on waste management.
Pollution Control Board, State of Andaman & Nicobar
Thereafter, the matter was considered on 10th September &Ors. Thereby, directions have been issued to finalize
2020 in the light of report filed by CPCB earlier on 11th the EPR regime by the MoEF&CC and to the CPCB to
June 2020 stating “The items covered under EPR in PWM coordinate with the State PCBs and State Level Monitoring
Rules, 2018 are multi-layered plastic sachet or pouches Committees, who in turn have to coordinate with the Local
or packaging, thus, items such as plastic pens and other Bodies, Gram Panchayats, Waste Generators, Producers,
plastic products have not been covered under Extended Importers, Brand Owners Recyclers, Manufactures,
Producers Liabilities.” Retailers and Street Vendors.
15 Januar y 2021 Plastics News