Page 49 - Plastics News January 2023
P. 49


          What it will take to build a circular economy in 2023

                                                                                 incentivising innovations. He feels that
                                                                                 two things will make the difference —
                                                                                 the draft policy for a circular economy
                                                                                 in the electronics and electrical sector
                                                                                 becoming a law, and the 2022 e-waste
                                                                                 policy, to be operational by April
                                                                                 2023, in which the EPR regulations
                                                                                 were expanded to 300 products.
                                                                                 Ravi Neeladri, CEO, Cerebra Green
                                                                                 also dwells on the upcoming e-waste
                                                                                 rules.  He  is  specifically  happy  about
                                                                                 how they will impact refurbishing of
                                                                                 products. “Regeneration  rather than
                                                                                 just recycling helps create a more sus-
                                                                                 tainable environment. By refurbishing,
             ip service to recycling  comes  dia, one of the earliest  movers  who   the end of life of a device can be ex-
          Lfrom every corner of the industry  developed  the Reverse  Vending Ma-  tended, thus eliminating the need to
          spectrum—  be it plastic, electronic,  chine to recycle used plastic bottles   mine metals and other resources for
          manufacturing or packaging. But the  at source, talks about the two aspects   manufacturing new devices,” he says.
          situation on the ground in India tells  of recycling waste—convenience and  Moreover, the new rules require
          you  another  story  with  the  country  economy. He  says  we  need  to  see  every refurbished electronic device to
          generating 62 million tonnes of waste  waste as raw material that feeds a re-  meet standards set by the Bureau of
          each year. Of this around 43 million  cycling plant, and to enhance recycling  Indian Standards.
          tonnes is collected and only 12 million  segregated waste needs to be sent to   Targets and stringent  laws are ur-
          tonnes is treated. A shocking 31 mil-  a plant. Hence, source segregation is   gently  needed for industrial waste
          lion tonnes is dumped in landfills, tell-  of utmost  importance  across  states.   recycling  as well. Annanya Agarwal,
          ing us the harsh truth.            “According to recent news India lifted   Co-founder, Runaya Refining feels that

          Though the government has formulat-  the import ban on recycled raw mate-  the government and decision-makers
          ed policies to “transition the country   rial due to shortages. This is a huge   need to ensure that industries under-
          from a linear to a circular economy”   set back. While you have mountains   stand recycling and its resulting ben-
          and notified rules in the waste man-  of waste lying, we are allowing import   efits. He says technology intervention
          agement of plastics, e-waste, metals,   of processed wastes,” he rues.  in turning waste into wealth has been
          construction and demolition, we are  Mishra points out that  economy of  the game changer in recycling.
          simply not moving fast enough in de-  scale and viability is a key challenge in   For Jeevaraj  Pillai,  Joint  President
          ploying our waste in a manner that it  recycling. To bring the cost of recycled   (Flexible Packaging Business and New
          can become a resource. So, what can  raw material closer to virgin material   Product Development), UFlex Limit-
          be done in the coming year to expe-  the supply chain must be improved as   ed mechanisation is the key, including
          dite the process and save our landfills  this contributes between 70 to 80 per   AI-enabled sorting  of waste.  That  is
          from materials that could create both  cent of the total cost.         what will give scale and maximise re-
          cash and jobs.                     One  of the  largest  battery and e-  cycling. But for this a policy to encour-

          Businessline asked a few industry ex-  waste recyclers, Attero Recycling bets  age investments has to be put in place
          perts in different streams of waste to  on science and technology to take re-  — a thought echoed by all the others.
          recommend  the  best  way forward.  cycling forward. Having developed 34
          Let’s see what they say:           global patents, co-founder and CEO

          Ajay Mishra, Founder of Biocrux In-  Nitin Gupta emphasises the need for

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