Page 50 - Plastics News January 2023
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          Year End Review: Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

             he year 2022 saw the launch of  stakeholder ministry in other CE Ac-  informal sector. Participation of indus-
         TMission LiFE  by  Prime  Minister  tion Plans.                         try is of critical importance to make
         Shri  Narendra  Modi,  a  flagship  pro-  Regulations on market based Ex-  the  Waste-to-Wealth  Mission a suc-
         gramme to promote sustainable life-  tended Producer Responsibility (EPR)   cess. This will result in moving away
         style across the globe. The central   principle have been notified for four   from mindless consumption to mind-
         elements of Mission LiFE i.e., sustain-  categories of wastes i.e. plastic pack-  ful utilisation and will help achieve the
         able lifestyle and sustainable patterns   aging  waste,  battery  waste,  e-waste   vision of  Mission LiFE - Lifestyle  for
         of consumption to  address climate   and waste tyre.                    Environment given by Prime Minister
         change were mentioned in the cover                                      Shri Narendra Modi.
         decision of Sharm El Sheikh  Imple-  •     ‘‘Extended Producer Respon-  Ban  on  identified  Single  Use  Plastics
         mentation Plan of COP 27. Cheetah   sibility (EPR) for Waste Tyre, 2022’’   from 1 July  2022  and Plastic Waste
         reintroduction in India by the  Prime   on 21.07.2022.                  Management
         Minister  was another important     •      “Guidelines on EPR for Plastic
         milestone  in the global conserva-  Packaging on 16.02.2022.            India has taken resolute steps to re-
         tion efforts of the species. The major                                  flect  its  commitment  to  eliminate
         achievements during the year 2022 of   •  ‘’Battery  Waste Management   single  use plastics  that  are not bio-
         Plastic Industry are as follows: -      Rules, 2022’’ on 22.08.2022.    degradable and have an adverse im-
                                             •  ‘’E-Waste  (Management)  Rules,   pact on environment.  The  strategy
         Promoting Circular Economy - Waste-                                     adopted by the Government to tackle
         to-Wealth                               2022’’ on 02.11.2022.           unmanaged and littered plastic waste

         Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi,   In EPR for Plastic  Packaging,  targets   has two pillars – ban on single  use
         in his address to the nation on the oc-  for minimum recycling, minimum use   plastic items which have high littering
         casion of 75th Independence Day on   of recycled  content  and use  of rigid   potential  and low utility,  and imple-
         15.08.2021, highlighted India’s action   plastic  packaging  in  identified  sizes   mentation of extended producer re-
         on ‘Mission Circular Economy’. NITI   have been mandated. In rules incor-  sponsibility on plastic packaging.
         Aayog constituted  11 Committees    porating EPR principle that have been   The country has taken a defining step
         for development of circular economy   notified/amended  this  year,  different   to eliminate single use plastics. A ban
         (CE) action plans for different catego-  targets  of minimum recycling, mini-  has been imposed on identified single
         ries of wastes.                     mum recovery percentage and mini-
                                             mum use of recycled  content  have   use plastic items from 1st July 2022.
         Circular Economy Action Plans for   been  given  lead  times  to  start  with.   The ban was notified on 12th August
         10 waste categories (Lithium-ion bat-  The  optimum level  will be reached   2021.
         teries; E-waste; Toxic and hazardous   over a period of time. This has been   Ear buds with plastic  sticks, plastic
         industrial waste; Scrap metal (ferrous   done to provide time to the industry   sticks for balloons, plastic flags, candy
         and non-ferrous);  Tyre  and Rubber;   as well as recyclers for the develop-  sticks, ice-cream  sticks, polystyrene
         End of  Life Vehicles; Gypsum, Used   ment of systems and recycling infra-  (Thermocol)  for decoration; Plates,
         Oil, Solar Panels and Municipal Solid   structure. Regulations to bring in EPR   cups, glasses, cutlery  such as forks,
         Waste  have  been  finalized,  and  are   for end-of-life vehicles is under devel-  spoons, knives, straw, trays, wrapping
         under implementation. Respective    opment.                             or packing films around sweet boxes,
         Nodal Ministries are coordinating on                                    invitation cards, and  cigarette pack-
         progress of implementation of these   The Waste-to-Wealth Mission/ Mis-  ets, plastic or PVC banners less than
         action plans. Ministry of Environment,   sion Circular Economy is bound to   100  microns, stirrers.  Thickness  of
         Forest and  Climate Change is the   create new business models as well   Plastic carry bags increased to 75 mi-
         Nodal Ministry for Circular Economy   as new employment  opportunities.   crons (30.9.2021) and to 120 microns
         Action Plan for Tyre and Rubber and   This will also result in integration of

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