Page 50 - Plastics News - January 2024
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Improving Mechanical and Elec- • Process Optimization Using Sim- ization Using the Hot Disk Meth-
trical Properties – Kaustubh ulation Software – Jacob Michael- od – Artem A. Trofimov, Orton
Deshmukh, Virginia Tech, De- son, SIGMASOFT Virtual Mold- Ceramic Foundation
partment of Mechanical Engi- ing
neering • Thermal Conductivity Character-
Anticipation builds for Packaging Innovations & Empack 2024
free visitor passes is driven by a stel-
lar lineup of speakers, including key
opinion leaders Ben Edmonds, Fraser
Doherty MBE, Tom Barton, and Cath-
erine Conway.
Leading voices from Danone, Terra-
Cycle, Tesco, and Defra will also pro-
vide a 360-degree view of the packag-
ing industry.
Easyfairs said that exhibitors will show
off a range of packaging innovations
for the sector, from design to cutting-
edge primary and secondary packag-
ing, contract packing, e-commerce
fulfilment, labelling and printing, and
he event's organisers are antici- 2024. advanced packing and processing
Tpating record-breaking attend- Renowned brands such as Aldi, Cad- technology.
ance. bury, KFC, and Unilever are set to Networking and innovation
In the final countdown to the ea- grace the exhibition, creating a di- Packaging Innovations & Empack 2024
gerly awaited Packaging Innovations verse showcase of their packaging is not just a showcase; it’s a platform
& Empack 2024 event, the organis- products and services. for networking and discussion.
ers, Easyfairs, are gearing up for what Also among the 400 exhibitors secur-
promises to be the most successful ing their places are industry giants With engaging presentations, Future
edition yet. Huhtamaki, Mondi, and Graphic Pack- Trailblazer awards, and the Packaging
Showcase, attendees will gain insights
Growing in size and scale aging International. into the latest developments across
Scheduled for 21-22 February at the Marketing manager Naomi Stewart the packaging supply chain.
National Exhibition Centre in Bir- emphasised the exhibitors’ commit- According to Stewart, the event is a
mingham, England, UK, the two-day ment to raising the bar and wowing catalyst for sparking creativity in the
event is poised to surpass its previous visitors with their innovative packag- packaging sector in the future.
editions in both size and scale. ing products.
“Not only will it spark creativity in
The organisers anticipate a record- “The xdebrief from last year’s event the packaging sector for 2024 and
breaking attendance, with represent- was a really rewarding process for us beyond, Packaging Innovations & Em-
atives from renowned brands explor- as a team. It was also an experience pack comprehensively addresses eve-
ing the offerings of 400 of the world’s that showed us just how powerful ry facet of the packaging journey, unit-
leading suppliers. the packaging sector can be when it ing a range of experts from diverse
The success of last year’s event, comes together.\ industries.”
where Easyfairs claims 80% of ex- Industry insights and influential speak- More announcements are expected in
hibitors quickly met their objectives, ers the coming weeks.
has led to an 80% rebooking rate for This year’s heightened demand for
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