Page 48 - Plastics News - January 2024
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Among these requirements, including  cific storage conditions to maintain its  vegan packaging over the years. For
          a “use by” or “best before” date on  quality. Include a barcode for scanning  example, many aren’t using greens
          food and beverage items stands as a  at the point of sale and a batch or pro-  and browns and muted colours any-
          crucial obligation.                duction code for traceability and qual-  more, they are no longer trying to ap-

          Clearly labelling that your product is   ity control purposes.         pear ‘natural’ or ‘rustic’.
          suitable for vegans is key, as most con-  Use packaging to build your brand  Instead, they want their products to
          sumers will skip steps like contacting   From plant milks  and meat  substi-  be as Instagrammable as possible and
          the manufacturer and err on the side   tutes, to cheeses and chocolate, the   they are using their packaging to do
          of caution by buying  a product  with   key to today’s most successful vegan   this, with striking visuals and a more
          better  labelling if unsure. To make   branding is personality-driven packag-  unique color palette.
          this claim, you must ensure that all in-  ing.                         Packaging is also being used to ac-
          gredients are plant-based and do not                                   centuate vegan brand messaging and
          contain any animal-derived  compo-  Popular plant-based brand Oatly’s de-  we’re seeing  a rise in vegan brands
          nents. This includes additives, flavors,   sign is the prime example. Designed to   promoting the taste, pleasure and en-
          colors, and processing aids.       be witty  and often tongue-in-cheek,   joyment  that  comes  from a product
                                             Oatly’s packaging  directly  opposes
          Try to avoid any ambiguity in a label’s   the “preachy vegan” stereotype.  over its ethical status or health ben-
          claims.  For example,  ‘Dairy-free’                                    efits.
          or ‘lactose-free’  doesn’t  necessarily   Many vegan brands are working hard   It’s a clever  move, as by avoiding
          mean vegan. Other  ingredients like   to develop mainstream appeal, as well   traditional associations of veganism,
          Glycerin(e)/glycerol  and stearic  acid   as attracting  their  usual vegan  audi-  brands don’t risk alienating other po-
          can be derived from slaughterhouse   ence. One of the ways many are doing   tential markets. By further emphasiz-
          fat  –  but  they  could  also  be  vegan   this is by ditching traditional vegan im-  ing  these  details  on their  packaging,
          –  so  if  they  are  plant-derived  then   ages and descriptions on their packag-  vegan brands are creating yet another
          it should say so on the label.     ing completely.                     way to connect with a broader audi-
          Labels should also clearly highlight any   Research demonstrates that appeal-  ence.
          allergens present in the product, such   ing packaging triggers activity in brain   It’s clear that as we progress into an
          as nuts, soy, wheat, or gluten. Even if   regions linked to feelings of reward,   era characterised  by conscientious
          the product is vegan, it might contain   whereas unappealing packaging stim-  consumption, sustainability, regulato-
          allergens, and  their presence should   ulates areas associated with negative   ry compliance, and innovative brand-
          be clearly stated.                 emotions. This shows packaging alone   ing will undoubtedly continue to shape
                                             can significantly impact our emotional
          You should provide guidance on how   responses and influence our purchas-  the narrative of the burgeoning plant-
          to store the product properly, wheth-  ing decisions.                  based market in 2024 and beyond.
          er it needs refrigeration, and any spe-
                                             This can be reflected in the changes to

          MIM2024 full conference programme and early registration discounts

              IM2024 will begin with an op-  February 26-28,  2024,  at the Hilton  ing process, a definition of what con-
          Mtional PIM tutorial from Mat-     Raleigh North Hills in Raleigh, North  stitutes a viable component, materials
          thew Bulger, followed by two ful days  Carolina, USA.                  selection,  assessments  of critical  ac-
          of conference presentations (Cour-  The first day of the event will begin   curacy and performance features,  a
          tesy MPIF)                         with  an  optional Powder Injection   comparison of PIM to other technolo-
          The Metal Powder Industries Federa-  Moulding tutorial from Matthew Bulg-  gies, and new applications.
          tion (MPIF) has announced the con-  er, ATPM Consulting, Former MIMA  The main MIM2024 conference will
          ference programme for  MIM2024:  President. The tutorial is intended to  begin on Tuesday, and includes the fol-
          International  Conference  on  Injec-  act as a comprehensive foundation to  lowing presentations:
          tion Molding of Metals, Ceramics, and  PIM technology and cover topics such   Tuesday, February 27
          Carbides. The event is planned for  as: an introduction to the manufactur-

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