Page 17 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 17
Leading the Way in Automation Solutions for Plastic Injection Moulding
and Expanding into New Technologies
Anil Kumar
Managing Director,
Inovance Technology
eading the Way in Automation Solutions reduced cycle times, and improved energy ef-
for Plastic Injection Moulding and Expand- ficiency. By integrating smart controllers, servo
Ling into New Technologies systems, and advanced drive technologies, Ino-
vance has enabled its clients to take their injec-
Inovance, a leading solution provider in the in- tion moulding processes to the next level.
dustrial automation sector, has firmly estab-
lished itself as the top supplier of automation The company’s automation solutions have been
solutions for plastic injection moulding machines key to optimizing plastic production processes,
in India. Renowned for delivering cutting-edge, improving product quality, and reducing waste.
high-performance solutions, Inovance has em- Whether it’s in automotive parts, packaging, or
powered manufacturers to optimize their pro- consumer goods, Inovance's innovations have
duction processes, increase efficiency, and re- consistently delivered high-performance results
duce operational costs. As part of its growth for manufacturers across industries.
strategy, Inovance is now expanding its port- Expanding into Hydraulic Press, Die-
folio to include solutions for hydraulic presses,
die-cast moulding, and blow moulding – further Cast Moulding, and Blow Moulding
solidifying its position as a leading provider of Inovance is expanding its automation solutions
automation technology.
beyond plastic injection moulding into hydraulic
Revolutionizing Plastic Injection Mould- presses, die-cast moulding, and blow moulding,
ing with Automation offering tailored systems for improved efficien-
cy, precision, and energy savings.
For years, Inovance has been at the forefront
of providing advanced automation solutions for For hydraulic presses, these solutions will bene-
plastic injection moulding machines. These solu- fit industries such as automotive, aerospace, and
tions help manufacturers achieve high precision, metal forming by reducing downtime, enhancing
January 2025 PLASTICS NEWS 17