Page 18 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 18
production speed, and optimizing energy use. In Smart Controllers for Fully Electric
die-cast moulding, advanced control technolo- Moulding Machines
gies will improve the quality, precision, and relia-
bility of metal casting operations. In blow mould- Inovance is also enhancing its automation capa-
ing, Inovance's systems will help manufacturers bilities with the introduction of smart controllers
produce hollow plastic products like bottles, for fully electric moulding machines. These intel-
containers, and automotive parts with greater ligent controllers integrate real-time data analy-
accuracy, reduced energy consumption, and in- sis, predictive maintenance capabilities, and ad-
creased productivity. vanced energy management features to ensure
maximum efficiency and minimal downtime.
New Product Range: ES680 Servo Drives and
MEG Motors for Enhanced Efficiency The smart controllers are designed to optimize
machine performance, reduce energy consump-
Inovance is also unveiling a new range of prod- tion, and enable manufacturers to meet strin-
ucts that further enhance its automation solu- gent environmental standards. By streamlining
tions. The ES680 series of servo drives, and MEG production processes and enhancing automa-
motors are designed to deliver superior perfor- tion, these controllers help businesses improve
mance and energy efficiency across a range of both their operational efficiency and sustainabil-
industrial applications. ity.
The ES680 servo drives are high-performance Looking Ahead: Inovance’s Vision for
solutions ideal for demanding applications like the Future
injection moulding and metal forming. They pro-
vide exceptional precision, high stability, and re- Inovance is committed to driving efficiency, inno-
duced energy consumption, enabling manufac- vation, and sustainability in India’s evolving man-
turers to optimize machine performance while ufacturing sector. With its expanded portfolio, it
minimizing operating costs. supports industries like plastics, automotive, and
metal manufacturing. By investing in advanced
Inovance’s MEG motors deliver high torque, technologies, Inovance helps manufacturers stay
energy efficiency, and precision, ideal for high- competitive in a dynamic industrial landscape.
speed applications. Designed to optimize per-
formance, they enhance productivity while re- For more information about Inovance’s automa-
ducing operational costs. tion solutions and new product offerings, visit and send details at info@ino-
18 PLASTICS NEWS January 2025