Page 10 - Plastics News July 2018
P. 10

AipmA At work

          Seminar on Plastics Industry -Challenges & Opportunities

             seminar on Plastics Industry Challenges & Opportunities,   management and elements of managing waste involving
         A was organised on  13th July, 2018 at  Treatotel,     techniques like recycling to be introduced more efficiently.
         Ahmedabad.Over 80-90 participants attended from        Mr. Haren Sanghavi, Immediate Past President, AIPMA,
         industry, including the Managing Committee Members,    sharing his thoughts on Industry issues related to EPR and
         Presidents of various Gujarat Plastics Associations.   its responsbilities, what are its tools and charges and than
                                                                he ended his presenation with a view on how to overcome
         The Seminar kicked off with the Welcome speech by Mr.
         Harshad Desai opened seminar with his opening remarks   enviroment challenges.
         and introducing to audience about seminar objectives and   Mr. Amit Gautam, Associate GM, Adani Ports SEZ Ltd an
         how this subject has taken shape.                      only sponsor deliver his presentation  on Opportunities
                                                                for plastics industry at India’s largest Port based SEZ at
         Mr. Hiten Bheda, President, AIPMA welcomed participants
         sharing his perspective that why this seminar is       Mundra, Gujarat in that he  menstioned how mundra is an
         conceptualized for plastics industry and what arec the   investment destination also he gave a brief about adani
         current challenges & opportunities that lie ahead for the   ports and special economic zone what are its advantage
         industry.                                              and how it will benefit plastic industry .
                                                                Next presentation was on post GST effect given by Mr
         Experts like Dr. Pradeep Upadhayay, Director, CIPET
         (Ahmedabad), Mr. Haren Sanghavi, Immediate Past        Uday Raval, Advocate & Tax Consultant and Rtd. Tax
         President, AIPMA, Mr Amit Gautam GM – Adani Ports SEZ   Commissioner expalining how GST actually benefited the
         Ltd and Mr. Uday Raval, Advocate & Tax Consultant and   dealers and importers and how by using the GST traders
         Rtd Jt. Commissioner (GST) sharing perspective on various   can do cost reduction.
         subject matters.                                       Each presentation were followed by Q & A session and
                                                                Vote of Thanks was given by Mr. Chandrakant Turakhia,
         Dr. Pradeep Upadhayay, Director, CIPET (Ahmedabad)
         sharing his perspective on topics like plastics waste   VP- West, AIPMA.

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