Page 16 - Plastics News July 2019
P. 16

AipmA At work

          He clarified that these are recommended solutions     initiatives which can be considered at this stage to save
          however, it does not ensure revocation of closures. He   the plastic industry. After the in-depth discussion, the
          advised focussing on EPR activities rather than the recent   generalised opinion of the members was to have a proactive
          notification as it is of utmost importance at this stage.   approach and collectively undertake actions against the
                                                                root cause i.e. visible plastic pollution by collaborating
          He encouraged the members to take small steps towards
          reducing plastic pollution which ultimately can make a   with the association.
          difference. Requested members to come forward, unite,   Mr. Mehta summarized the deliberations and reviewed
          and contribute any amount which they feel good as per   the current state of the industry and the government.
          their scale of operation, so that collective project can be   Furthermore, to tackle the situations in right manner he
          undertaken by the association, on these basis association   advised to form a sub-group to represent the industry to the
          can provide a proportionate amount of Co-processing   ministry for which he requested the members to voluntarily
          certificate to these members which may help them to fulfil   give their names for the group. So that whenever there is
          their EPR compliances.  He clarified that the process will be   a representation to be made, these group can represent
          open, transparent and will done on voluntary basis, however   industry under the guidance of the Associations.
          it does not ensure revocation of closures.            Mr. Turakhia thanked all the present members and assured

          Furthermore, the present members raised their concern,   that together we can solve the problem and help the
          discussed the existing problems and ground realities,   industry.
          shared their viewpoints w.r.t solutions and also actively   The meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks to
          participated and deliberated about possible solutions and   the chair.


                 Mr. Meela Satyanarayana, father of Mr. Meela Jayadev - President, AIPMA
                                      passed away on  Tuesday, 25 June, 2019

                           Team AIPMA offers its condolence to the bereaved family.

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