Page 21 - Plastics News July 2020
P. 21

Danone India aims to achieve 100% recyclable             Coveris unveils new Pack Innovation Centre in
         packaging by 2025                                        Germany
                                                                     uropean packaging company Coveris has unveiled
             rench  dairy  and  nutrition  company  Danone  has
                                                                  Eits new Pack Innovation Centre in Halle, Germany.
          Frevealed its aim to make packaging in India 100%       As  part  of  its  forward-thinking  innovation  strategy,
          recyclable  by  2025.  The  ambition  is  part  of  the   Coveris has proudly opened the doors of its new Pack
          company's 'One Planet. One Health' frame of action      Innovation Centre in Halle, Germany. “Supporting our
                                                                  customers to "innovate," "educate," and "validate" the
          commitment. The strategic initiatives under the frame
                                                                  flexible  packaging  of  the  future,  Coveris'  Pack
          of  action  are  intended  to  boost  Danone's  capacity   Innovation Centre is positioned as a European hub for
          across the food supply                                  technical  product  development,  sustainable
                                                                  innovation, and education” says, Jakob Mosser, CEO
          chain.  According  to
          the company, its One
          Planet.  One  Health
          agenda is based on the
          idea  that  health  of
          people and planet are
          linked  to  each  other.
          Additionally,  the
          company will work on
          i n n o v a t i n g   a n d
          developing  products  and  solutions  to  expand  its
          portfolio  to  offer  healthier  diets  that  address  local
                                                                  The  new  centre  will  serve  as  a  hub  for  technical
          nutritional  needs.  Danone  India  managing  director
                                                                  product  development,  sustainable  innovation,  and
          Himanshu Bakshi said: “In today's times, consumers are   education  in  Europe.  Covering  more  than  400m²
          increasingly  shifting  their  attention  to  healthier   space, the centre features thermoformer, tray-sealer
                                                                  and  form-fill-seal  machines  for  on-site  testing  and
          products and brands which have a positive impact on
                                                                  validation. The  centre  will  provide  cross-functional
          the environment. “At Danone, we believe that food       training sessions and dedicated workshops.  Designed
          companies  have  a  critical  role  to  address  the  ever-  as an open space, the facility's workshop area will host
                                                                  internal  and  external  events  that  contribute  to
         changing  needs  of  the  consumers  and  that  we  can
                                                                  packaging  development.  Mosser  said:  “The  Pack
         change the world through food. “Our 'One Planet. One
                                                                  Innovation  Centre  is  a  perfect  reflection  of  our
         Health'  frame  of  action  embodies  our  commitment    commitment to the world of packaging. The centre
         towards  encouraging  healthier  eating  and  drinking   has been designed to add value through all steps of
                                                                  packaging development, from raw material selection
         habits in consumers and espouses sustainable business
                                                                  to circular economy logic. “In addition, it brings great
         practices for the industry.” Currently, more than 90% of   value to our customers as they can conduct trials on
         the company's products are in 'healthy categories'. In   original,  industrial  packaging  machines  without
         February, Danone launched a dual-QR code packaging       blocking their own production. “It gives us an exciting
                                                                  opportunity  to  join  forces  with  our  customers  and
         solution  for  its  baby  formula  brands  Aptamil  and
                                                                  work  with  them  on  designing  the  packaging  of  the
         Nutrilon  in  China  as  part  of  the  company's  newly   future.”   The Coveris Pack Innovation Centre is the
         launched  digitally  enabled  baby  formula  Track  and   second building block of the company after the Pack
                                                                  Positive  Centre  in  Leeds,  UK.  Last  month,  Coveris
         Connect service. Danone also partnered with the Eat
                                                                  invested  €10m  to  upgrade  its  medical  packaging
         Right  India  movement  launched  by  FSSAI  and  has    production facilities as part of its plan to support its
         pledged  to  improve  the  nutritional  profile  of  its   customers with respect to transparency, cleanliness
                                                                  and quality.
         product portfolio in India.

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