Page 19 - Plastics News July 2020
P. 19

                                       & QUALITY ON THE SHOP FLOOR

         How  can  automation  accelerate  your  recovery  and   light weight and easy to transport these Cobots are. They
         protect  you  from  future  pandemic  disruptions?  The   can be charged on a regular charging point and are very
         COVID-19  crisis  exposes  vulnerabilities  in  long  supply   compact  in  size.  Though  small  in  size  they  are  still
         chains  which  make  companies  vulnerable  to  logistic   capable  of  doing  the  work  of  multiple  human  hands,
         disruptions.  In  times  of  uncertainty,  being  able  to   once programed they can work for the full night without
         implement  quick  changes  in  production,  thus,  is  key.   any supervision, which can reduce the labour cost of the
         Collaborative robots, or cobots, are one of the fastest   company.
         automation solutions on the market to deploy and adjust   Mr. Pradeep David further mentioned that they provide
         to new operating principles such as Social Distancing on   free training workshops open to all on how to use the
         the  factory  floor.  In  the  plastics  industry,  especially,
         small  batches  and  a  high  degree  of  flexibility  play  a
         major  role  in  production,  where  manufacturing      SPEAKERS:
         processes vary widely depending on the material. Cobots   Pradeep David - General Manager, South Asia at Universal
         provide the best way of increasing productivity even in   Robots.
         small batches, while also relieving staff from repetitive   Mr. Karan Deep Singh - Sr. Technical Support Engineer for
         and  physically  arduous  activities.  From  injection   Universal Robots, South Asia.
         molding to pick and place to much more, cobots provide   TOPICS DISCUSSED:
         attractive opportunities for automation in the plastics
         industry for a wide range of applications and production   Ÿ Introduction to Collaborative Robots
         facilities.                                               Ÿ Collaborative Robots vs. Industrial Robots
         The 1  of our series- Low Cost Automation, this webinar   Ÿ Cobots in the Plastics Industry: Injection Molding
         with Universal Robots was a tremendous success. The
                                                                   Ÿ Live Cobot Demo
         webinar  was  attended  by  a  very  selective  group  of
         attendees who showed genuine interest in the product      Ÿ Role of Cobots in the COVID-19 Era
         and  its  workings.  In  a  situation  where  skilled  and   Ÿ Plug & Produce with UR+
         unskilled  labours  are  hard  to  come  by  and  how     Ÿ Universal Robots Academy and Training
         Collaborative Robots also known as Cobots come to the
                                                                 THE WAY FORWARD:
         rescue  of  manufacturing  units  in  these  trying  times.
         Comparisons between Collaborative Robots & Industrial   A lot of interest was shown by the people present to
         Robots was pointed out and expended upon in detail.     know more about the Cobot, the costing & the workings.
         The  differences  between  the  two  are  marked  and    The email id of Universal Robots was shared for further
         obvious. The attendees were shown videos as to how      correspondence.

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