Page 50 - Plastics News July 2023
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          923,000  Americans are engaged in  forecast period. The segment growth     ing
          manufacturing automobiles and their  can majorly be attributed to the sig-  •  Others
          parts, and 1,251,600  work in deal-  nificantly growing food and beverage   Few of the well-known market lead-
          erships. The automotive  and parts  industry all over the world. The indus-  ers  in  the  global  market  of  flexible
          industry  in  the  United  States  gener-  try is predicted to witness robust rev-  plastic packaging coating that are pro-
          ated  approximately  USD 1.5 trillion  enue of nearly USD 6.5 billion by the   filed by Research Nester are PPG In-
          in sales by 2021.The  automobile in-  year 2031. Increasing consumption of   dustries, Inc., Glenroy, Inc., Akzo No-
          dustry contributes 3% of overall GDP  packaged food and flavored drinks is   bel N.V., Sierra Coating Technologies
          to America. In addition, an increase in  also estimated to be a major factor in-  LLC, Koninklijke DSM N.V., Paramelt
          per capita income for residents should  fluencing the growth of this segment.   B.V., DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Am-
          enable them to switch to private eco-  Flexible  packaging is largely  used in   cor Limited, Mondi plc, and other key
          friendly vehicles. By 2022, nearly 75%  the food and beverage industry, espe-  market players.
          of Americans say they own a car, and  cially in ready-to-eat food packaging.
          another 20% say they will own a  Hence,  the  growth  of the  food and   Recent  Development  in  the  Global
          business or family car. Flexible plastic  beverage industry is expected to be a   Flexible  Plastic  Packaging  Coating
          packaging coating is widely used in the  major factor contributing to segmen-  Market
          automotive industry to make modern  tal growth.                        •  Amcor Limited  was introduced
          and  efficient  vehicles.  Hence,  this  is   Global Flexible Plastic Packaging Coat-  by the company's Vice President
          expected to drive market growth in   ing Market, Segmentation by Type      at the Global Plastics Summit.
          the North American region.         •  Urethane                             The company attended the sum-
          Global Flexible  Plastic  Packaging   •  Soft Touch                        mit  and spoke about the  indus-
          Coating Market, Segmentation  by                                           try's  evolution towards circular-
          Functions                          •  UV-Curable                           ity.
          •  Food & Beverage                 •  BPA Free                         •  Witnessing growing demand for
                                                                                     sustainable  flexible  packaging,
          •  Cosmetics                       •  Others                               Glenroy, Inc. also announced an
          •  Pharmaceuticals                 Global Flexible  Plastic  Packaging     investment  to expand its adhe-
          •  Automotive                      Coating Market, Segmentation by Ap-     sive  lamination capacity. These
          •  Other                           •  Caps & Closures                      steps are taken to provide a bet-
          Amongst  these  segments,  the  flex-  •  Aerosols & Tubes                 ter solution for existing and new
          ible packaging segment is anticipated                                      customers.
          to  hold  a  significant  share  over  the   •  Industrial & Promotional Packag-

          Biodegradable Plastic Market on Track to Hit $12 Billion Globally by 2028.
          Can the Industry Surmount the Challenges Ahead?

              urugram, India, (GLOBE NEWS-   by the action of living organisms, usu-  “Ken Research shares 3 key  insights
          GWIRE) --  Driven  by the  rising  ally micro-organisms. Biodegradable  on this high-opportunity market from
          consumption from various end-user  plastics  are typically  made from re-  its latest research study”
          industries such as packaging, automo-  newable sources (such as sugarcane,   1.   Rising Awareness for Eco-Friendly
          tive,  electronics, and others, global  castor beans, soy, corn, potatoes, and   Plastic Solutions and Reduction in
          Biodegradable Plastics Market is fore-  others), microbes, petrochemicals, or   the  usage  of Conventional  Plas-
          casted  to Cross US$12  Bn by 2028  a combination of all three. Some bio-  tics provide Opportunity for the
          says Ken Research Study.           degradable plastics are compostable,    Market Growth
                                             which means they decompose under
          Biodegradable plastics are the type of   controlled conditions such as those     According to Ken Research
          plastics that can be broken down into                                      Analysis, the Global Biodegrad-
          water, carbon dioxide, and biomass   found in compost or anaerobic diges-
                                             tion locations.                         able Plastics  Market  was valued

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