Page 51 - Plastics News July 2023
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             at ~US$ 7 billion in 2022 and       a ban on the sale of  single-use        from bioplastics, with the
             is forecasted to reach a market     plastic products such as cutlery,       add-on bonus of  biodegra-
             size of ~US$ 12 billion by 2028,    straws, food containers, and            dability. The certified biode-
             growing  at  a CAGR  of ~9%,        other similar products from July        gradable cups are also used
             due to the shifting consumer        2021  to  minimize  plastic  waste      at big events  and in major
             preference towards eco-friendly     across the country. Such factors        football stadiums across Eu-
             plastic  solutions. Biodegradable   are estimated to impel the biode-       rope.
             plastics  break down faster  than   gradable plastics market growth,    •   According   to   European
             conventional plastics. Biodegrad-   during the forecast period.             Bioplastics Association, the
             able plastics degrade by 60% in   2.  Increasing Consumption of Bio-        existing total production ca-
             less  than  180  days, compared     degradable Plastics in the Packag-      pacity of Bioplastics in 2021
             to traditional plastics which take   ing Industry is Fuelling the Market    was 2.4 Mn Tonnes, distrib-
             about 1,000 years to decompose.     Globally                                uted across all major end-
             Growing  piles  of garbage  and                                             user segments, within which
             landfills have become a major en-     Biodegradable packaging is gen-       ~50% was from packaging
             vironmental  disaster, with  many   erally  defined  as  any  form  of      industry.
             negative  impacts  on ecosystem     packaging that disintegrates  and
             flora  and  fauna.  Growing  con-   decomposes naturally. The mar-  3.  High Price of Biodegradable Plas-
             sumer awareness of these effects    ket  for biodegradable  packag-     tics as Compared to Convention-
             encourages the use of biodegrad-    ing in the beverage sector is an-   al Plastics is the Major Challenge
             able plastics.                      ticipated to witness growth with    Faced  by The  Biodegradable
                                                 the never-ending demand for         Plastics Market
             Hence, this has shifted con-        bottled water and non-alcoholic
             sumer preference towards using      beverages. According to the En-     Higher prices of biodegradable
             environmentally  friendly  plastic   vironmental Audit Committee,       plastics than that of conventional
             products, driving the biodegrad-    an  organization  that  examines    polymers  hinder  the  market's
             able plastics market. Further-      the policies and programs on        growth in various application seg-
             more, the stringent  regulations    environment and sustainable de-     ments. Usually, the manufactur-
             by various governments  and         velopment, stated an estimated      ing cost of biodegradable plastics
             federal agencies with the objec-    700,000 bottles are being littered   is 20-80% more than that of tra-
             tive to reduce plastic waste and    every day in the UK alone, which    ditional plastics. This is attributed
             promote biodegradable plastics      indicates the severe need for bio-  to the high polymerization cost of
             usage  in  packaging  are  likely  to   degradable packaging solutions   such plastics as the product is in
             boost the market demand during      for beverages.                      the  developing  stage  and there-
             the forecast period. The regula-                                        fore has not achieved economic
             tions related to green packaging    •  For instance, in 2021, No        viability.
             are increasing. With the increas-       Evil Foods, a US-based food      For instance, biodegradable plas-
             ing  packaging  waste  generated        & beverages  company, pro-      tic such as Polyhydroxyalkanoates
             worldwide, governments  across          duced compostable packag-       (PHA) has numerous applications
             the globe are adapting to alterna-      ing made by Kraftpak and        in synthetic  papers, binders,
             tive sources such as biodegrada-        printed with plant-based ink.   medical devices, food packaging,
             ble packaging. As a result, various     Kraftpak is a biodegradable,    electronic  parts, and agriculture
             FMCG  companies  are  required          unbleached carton board         that have high production costs,
             to adopt biodegradable packag-          sealing  with  water-soluble    limited availability, and low yields.
             ing to comply with the standards,       adhesives.                      Polylactic  acid (PLA) polymer is
             which in turn, is propelling the    •  The retailers in Europe, such    more economical than PHA, but
             growth of the market.                   as Rossmann, Aldi, Coop,        still more costly than petroleum-
             For instance, in July 2020, the         and Carrefour, use single or    based Polypropylene  (PP)  and
             German government announced             multi-use carrier bags made     Polyethylene (PE).

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