Page 30 - Plastics News July 2024
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          California’s Plastic recyclers form Responsible Recycling  Opponents of the bills, including the American For-
          Alliance                                             est & Paper Association, the Association of Plastic
                                                               Recyclers, and The Recycling Partnership, argues
               he Responsible Recycling Alliance (RRA), a coa-  that the bills do not offer a more environmentally
               lition of plastic recyclers, has been formed to   friendly solution due to the offsets of reusable and
          Toppose two pending bills in California’s State      recycled  paper  bags.  Roxanne  Spiekerman  from
          Legislature, AB 2236 and SB 1053, which aim to ban   PreZero US, one of the founding members of the
          plastic  film  grocery  bags.    Instead  of  an  outright   RRA, highlights that canvas and sewn poly-woven or
          ban, the RRA advocates for integrating these bags    nonwoven polypropylene bags are currently not re-
          into the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging   cyclable by any existing method in the U.S.
          Producer Responsibility Program, which was set up
          by SB 54 in 2022.                                    On the other hand, supporters of the bills, such as
                                                               California Climate Action, Oceana, and Zero Waste
          If the legislation is passed, it would eliminate the op-  USA, as well as the Solid Waste Association of North
          tion for unwoven plastic bags at grocery stores, ef-  America (SWANA) and Republic Services, emphasize
          fectively removing the exemption for thicker plastic   the importance of reducing plastic production for
          film bags from the state’s single-use bag ban. The   the sake of environmental and human health. The
          ban  could  take  effect  in  January  2026  and  would   members of RRA include EFS Plastics (Ontario), Mer-
          also  specify  requirements  for  reusable  and  paper   lin Plastics (British Columbia), and PreZero US (Cali-
          bags to be sold in stores.                           fornia).

                                                                                           Source: - Recycling Today

          Navi Mumbai: NMMC Cracks Down On

          Single-Use Plastic, Fines Shops, Seizes

          35 Kg of Banned Bags

               he  Navi  Mumbai  Municipal  Corporation  and commercial establishments. Between July 1 and
               (NMMC) has stepped up its efforts to eradicate  July 7, NMMC executed a special campaign involv-
          Tthe use of single-use plastic bags by vendors  ing unannounced inspections and raids in various

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