Page 31 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 31


          wards. Throughout this operation, 15 shops were  eco-friendly alternatives such as cloth bags. No-
          discovered using prohibited plastic bags, resulting  tably, in Belapur, four shops were fined Rs 20,000
          in fines amounting to Rs 75,000 and the confisca-    and  8  kg  of  plastic  bags  were  seized.  Similarly,  in
          tion of 35 kg of banned plastic items.               the Nerul ward, two shops were penalized for pos-
                                                               sessing banned bags. Health inspectors conducted
                                                               spontaneous visits to enforce these regulations.

                                                               Residents were also advised to refrain from using
                                                               single-use plastics for their daily shopping and were
                                                               educated on the environmental harm caused by
                                                               these  materials. The  NMMC appeals  for coopera-
                                                               tion from the community in embracing cloth bags
                                                               to help alleviate environmental damage.

                                                                                         Source: - Press Free Journal

          This crackdown is designed to facilitate the transi-
          tion  of  both  shop  owners  and  residents  towards

          Amarnath Yatra: Over 7,000 sanitation

          workers collect and manage 114.57

          tons of waste on pilgrimage routes

                 fficials  overseeing  the  annual  Amarnath
                 Yatra have announced a significant achieve-
          Oment in waste management, successfully
          collecting and managing 114.57 tons of waste from
          the pilgrimage routes. This initiative, aimed at en-
          suring an “eco-friendly yatra,” has set new standards
          in sanitation practices since the pilgrimage com-
          menced on June 29.
          Under the guidance of the Directorate of Rural Sani-
          tation, part of the Rural Development and Panchay-
          ati  Raj  Department,  over  7,000  sanitation  workers
          have been deployed since June 27. Their efforts are  “Since the beginning of the yatra, we have managed
          crucial in maintaining cleanliness and adhering to  to collect a cumulative total of 114.57 tons of waste,
          a  strict  zero-landfill  policy  along  both  pilgrimage  with 85.72 tons already processed and 27.43 tons
          routes. This holistic approach integrates manpower,  identified as inert waste,” stated an official oversee-
          machinery, maintenance, monitoring, and motiva-      ing the sanitation efforts. This comprehensive waste
          tion to ensure sustainable sanitation practices.     management strategy includes handling plastic,
                                                               wet, and inert waste along the entire pilgrimage

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