Page 42 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 42


          The new solutions make analysis faster with a higher  mote’ instruments such as HPLCs/UPLCs, then an
          level of consistency, allowing pharmaceutical com-   AMR may be invaluable.
          panies  to  achieve  greater  levels  of  efficiency,  con-
          formity and profitability.                           All aspects of workflow management and execution,
                                                               plus analysis and storage, are managed by synTQ, a
          The SciYbotic Labs series was developed by the Op-   leading PAT (Process Analytical Technology) knowl-
          timal Group, which is part of SciY – a vendor agnostic  edge management software platform capable of
          software brand that offers a range of scientific soft-  hosting chemometric and other predictive models.
          ware solutions throughout the entire life sciences  The software also generates intuitive dashboards
          value chain. The new range combines a range of ro-   and allows users to easily coordinate all testing and
          botics, including autonomous mobile robots (AMRs)  robotic activities.
          together with the synTQ software platform to create
          a self-contained workflow and analysis tool. The set-  Because synTQ stores all of the validated analytical
          up is regulatory compliant and capable of handling   workflows  and  methods,  SciYbotic  Labs  can  help
          virtually all aspects of wet and dry laboratory testing   drive  collaboration  and  standardisation  across  all
          without any human intervention.                      of a company’s facilities, no matter where they are
                                                               based in the world. This can help a company adopt
          Automating  analytical  testing  frees  scientists  from  the same analytical method in different laboratories
          the  routine,  manual  tasks  involved  in  quality  con-  with different layouts without the need for repeated
          trol, such as transporting tablets across a produc-  analytical method revalidation.
          tion facility, preparing samples, and loading analysis
          instruments. This allows scientists to instead spend   Martin  Gadsby,  chairman  at  Optimal  Group,  said:
          their time on projects that make use of their train-  “By combining Optimal Industrial Automation’s ex-
          ing and expertise, which reduces costs and unlocks   pertise in complete automation solutions and Op-
          value for the company. Additionally, the system au-  timal  Industrial  Technologies’  PAT  knowledge  and
          tomatically captures all data, ensuring complete     synTQ software platform, the Optimal Group is per-
          data integrity.                                      fectly placed to help enable accurate, reliable and
                                                               more consistent laboratory testing. We believe the
          SciYbotic Labs is fully customisable, with workflows  ease with which validated analytical methods can be
          able  to  incorporate  the  robot(s)  required  for  your  reused by facilities around the globe with minimal
          specific  analytical  methods  and  space  require-  revalidation to be a unique feature of our offering.
          ments.  AMRs  can  be  used  to  transport  samples
          around laboratories or between manufacturing and     “This new solution will allow pharmaceutical compa-
          laboratory facilities. An initial Smart Laboratory de-  nies worldwide to operate more consistently and ef-
          ployment may only include static, bench mounted      ficiently, and we look forward to supporting custom-
          robot(s) that can handle sample preparation and      ers implement their own automated setups.”
          analysis  tasks,  and  loading  the  samples  into  local                  Source – Medical Plastics News
          instruments. If mobility is required for sample col-
          lection or transport, for example to flexibly load ‘re-

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