Page 44 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 44


          Covestro and bp sign long-term supply

          agreement for solar power in Spain

          ♦   10-year agreement to supply Covestro with  Olvido  Moraleda,  president  of  bp  Energía  España,
             renewable energy from a solar power plant  said: “This agreement is a significant milestone for
             in Spain                                          bp in Spain, enabling us to provide renewable en-

          ♦   Contract boosts Covestro’s renewable elec-       ergy  through  a  PPA  to  a  key  industrial  customer.
             tricity  use  in  Spain  to  30  percent,  signifi-  This deal enables bp and Covestro to work together
             cantly increasing renewables supply for           in delivering lower carbon energy to a traditionally
             Tarragona site                                    hard-to-abate sector, as part of bp’s strategy to be-
                                                               come an integrated energy company.”
          ♦   The agreement supports Covestro’s goal of
             achieving operational climate neutrality by
               olymer materials manufacturer Covestro and
               bp have signed a long-term power purchase
          Pagreement (PPA) for renewable energy from a
          solar power plant in Spain. The 10-year agreement
          increases the share of renewable energy in Coves-
          tro’s total electricity consumption in Spain from
          less than 10 percent to approximately 30 percent.
          Covestro is thereby taking another important step
          towards achieving operational climate neutrality by

          The deal builds on Covestro’s announcement in        And  rea  Firenze,  General  Manager  at  Covestro
          2022 around its three smaller production sites in    Spain, said: "Commitment to sustainability is a non-
          Spain - in the Zona Franca in Barcelona, Parets del   negotiable part of everything we do, and this agree-
          Vallés  and  Santa  Margarida  i  els  Monjos  –  which   ment allows us to take a further step in our mission
          started running on 100 percent renewable elec-       to make energy use as efficient and sustainable as
          tricity.  With  the  new  agreement,  a  significant  por-  possible throughout our value chain. In the same
          tion of the electricity consumed by the company's    way, through this alliance with bp, we will continue
          main production site in Tarragona can now also be    to promote the strategic positioning of our Tarra-
          supplied by renewable sources, enabling Covestro     gona site through a more stable, more predictable
          to  cut  its  CO2  emissions  by  approximately  16,000   and, above all, more sustainable long-term energy
          tonnes per year.*                                    supply."

          "With  the  PPA,  we  are  demonstrating  that  we  at   Jason Tate, head of European power trading and
          Covestro are using every opportunity to consist-     origination at bp, said: “This agreement highlights
          ently increase the proportion of energy from renew-  not just bp’s commitment to Spain. It’s an example
          able sources at our sites worldwide," says Thorsten   of how bp is continuing to invest in developing our
          Dreier, CTO at Covestro. "Because we are convinced   expertise and capability to support European com-
          that our vision of a complete focus on the circular   mercial and industrial customers to help meet their
          economy and climate neutrality is the only way to    decarbonization goals.”
          ensure the long-term success of our company."

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