Page 14 - Plastics News June 2017
P. 14
Technical Seminar held jointly by IPI and AIPMA
Indian Plastics Institute, Mumbai Chapter (IPI) and The Management by numbers-Process variance exercises,
All India Plastics Mnaufacturers ’ ssociation(AIPMA) had System and no-system v/s effort and gains, Importance
jointly organized a Technical Seminar on “Increase Your of constructive feedback, Clarity of work, ‘Initiatives’.
Profit By Improving Quality, Productivity and Efficiency”
on 3rd June 2017at Hotel Tunga International, Mumbai. Around-115- delegates attended the Seminar. Many
of the delegates are CEO’s, Managing Directors, and
Technical Seminar was aimed at understanding the Business Development Managers etc. representing the
immense opportunities offered by “Enlarge the Growth”. different segments of Plastics Industry. During the
This Seminar focused on Increase the Profit by improving
quality and productivity, in terms of Enlarge the Growth
for raw Materials and additives, latest developments in
Injection Moulding Machines, Blow Molding, Mold Designs
and end products.
Mr. Sandeep Joshi, Head, SUDHAR Business consulting
delivered a lecture on ‘Change management through focus
on Productivity and quality’.
During the presentation he mentioned that there are two
areas: Especially CEOs, MDs and Sales Directors. He also
stressed on Dashboards-Importance and methodology of
designing user friendly-action oriented dashboards: in
design and implementation in the areas of Sales, HR and
Workshops /Trainings (inbound or outbound) including Technical Seminar around -3- Speakers presented their
games and team exercises /activities in the areas of: Plan- technical papers.
Do-Check-Act, Problem solving skills, Decision making All the presentations were well received and appreciated
skills-Perception, Decision tree, timeliness, Reviews-Why by the participants. We avail this opportunity to express
short interval control important, what has to be asked in our profound thanks to all the Sponsors for their active
reviews, how answers need to be expected and importance participation and financial support This Conference also
of an action log,Team focus and interdepartmental brought together all the Stakeholders and delegates under
co-ordination, Attitude, Behaviour and motivation, one umbrella and exchange notes.
Plastics News | June 2017 14