Page 21 - Plastics News June - 2020
P. 21

How the Corona virus Crisis Will Change Plastics Processing

         There are many lessons to be learnt, Processors of all   that converts plastic waste to pavement tiles, and has
         shapes and sizes will need to think more strategically   been trying to source plastic from the Authority but in
         about their supply chain                                vain. “We have executed pavement building projects for
                                                                 some  corporates  and  the  municipal  corporations  of
         Since March we have been through testing times and at   Hyderabad and Gurugram.” Saluja said.
         times experiencing contrasting situations. On the one
         hand,  I'm  regularly  hearing  stories  and  getting  press   Saluja has partnered with local scrap vendors, NGOs, as
         releases  about  processors  ramping  up  quickly  to  turn   well as schools to collect their plastic waste. “We pay
         lines  that  had  been  running  conventional  plastics   about Rs 60 per kg for things like milk bags. Once the
         products  into  very  specific  personal  protection     waste is collected, we segregate it manually,” he said.
         equipment  in  the  fight  against  the  coronavirus
                                                                 “There might many a reasons for unavailability for it was
         pandemic.  We  have  been  hearing  stories  of  molders
         calling their machine builders and even mold makers to   a fear psychosis during the pandemic and one wonders
         run parts for them due to their own capacity restraints.  did segregation of waste would have happened then”,
                                                                 says  Medha  Tadpatrikar  ,co  –founder  Rudra
         On other hand when one visits a grocery shop one could   Environmental Solution an organistion that is working
         observe  many  essential  perishables  food  and  dairy   across  cities  in  Mumbai  and  Pune  collecting  plastics
         products are in demands. Be it Bread, Milk packets, hand   waste from residential premises as well . Restarting its
         wash,  shampoos  and  many  more  alike.  One  could    activities with Unlock 1.0 Rudra have collected 0ver a 15
         conclude from the shelf; that are either empty or are   tons of plastics waste. Medha adds, “There is a need to
                                                                                     create greater awareness among
                                                                                     public against littering and I am
                                                                                     sure it works, for that's how we
                                                                                     have  received  over  1  ton  of
                                                                                     plastics  waste  every  day  since
                                                                                     the unlock. During the lockdown
                                                                                     we  have  been  guiding  people
                                                                                     how they could collect all their
                                                                                     plastics;  be  it  wrappers,
                                                                                     packets, bag, bottles, disinfect
                                                                                     it and not to throw it.”
                                                                                     But lessons must be learned first.
                                                                                     Processors of all shapes and sizes
                                                                                     will  need  to  think  more
                                                                                     strategically about their supply
                                                                                     chain. They will need to build in
                                                                                     redundancies. They will need to
                                                                                     put in place crisis-management
                                                                                     initiatives that have not only a
                                                                                     Plan B, but a Plan C and D. They
                                                                                     will  need  to  rethink  about
                                                                                     materials  and  spare-parts
         half stocked in any store, that it's the (MLPs, Tetra, PET,)   inventories. They will need to reconsider technologies
         packaging that's in demand.  To put it simply one could   that are more common in plastics-processing operations
         say, its lots of pallets, lots of stretch film.          in other parts of the world, such as automation, lights-
         However it seems clear that business is strong in medical   out manufacturing, and Industry 4.0 tools such as remote
         and packaging, and soft in other segments. Clearly these   accessibility  to  processing  machinery  and  predictive
         are  not  robust  times  for  anyone  supplying  the    maintenance.
         automotive or housing markets.                          And then processors need to be ready for when OEMs and
                                                                 other  customers  make  the  inevitable,  long-overdue
         Plastics Upcycling is not easy either, though it should
         have  been  ideal  in  these  times    considering  the   decision to reverse their complex and tenuous supply
         increased use of SUP in the times of Pandemics. The case   chains and bring more manufacturing back.
         in the point is Paras Saluja, who runs an upcycling unit

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