Page 25 - Platics News June 2022
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di erent from a traditional ICE vehi- such as polypropylene (PP) and polyu- the engine parts as the high temperature
cle, with the main di erence being in rethane (PU) in recent years has par- performance of engineering polymers is
the design and use of materials under tially been o set by the decline in con- not required in electric battery engines.
the hood. However, electric vehicles sumption of engineering plastics, with ABS consumption is expected to de-
will not have fuel system, pump, tanks, PP and PU accounting for about 50% cline as polystyrene and PP composites
connecting cables, etc. As the market of total plastic consumption in vehicles. with improved properties continue to
replace ABS in decorative parts in the
interior, which was traditionally domi-
nated by ABS, especially in the United
States, due to the material’s gloss. e
high price of ABS has also supported the
substitution with lower priced polypro-
pylene. In some high-end automobiles,
the consumption of ABS will increase
for the interior with consumers requir-
ing a higher quality design. However,
the overall consumption, particularly
in North America and Western Europe,
will be counterweighed by a reduction in
the size of certain modules, such as the
front grill, in turn decreasing the con-
sumption of ABS. e growth in poly-
carbonate will be driven by the emerg-
ing application in car sensors (lenses)
penetration of electric vehicles increas- e consumption of engineering plas- in autonomous vehicles, supported by
es, polycarbonate (PC) consumption tics is expected to decline due to lesser continued electri cation and lighting
is expected to grow at a faster rate, as requirement of these plastics in under- requirements in traditional vehicles.
PC will be used in sensors and in LEDs the-hood applications for electric vehi-
in the car. e application of polymer cles, as the high temperature resistance Implications for Polymer Producers
components within engine transmission of engineering polymers is not required Overall, the consumption of polymers
will become more common as manufac- to the same extent as with internal com- in the automotive sector is expected to
turers seek to squeeze costs and weight. bustion engines. Instead, polyamides continue to grow globally e growth
But, the consumption of engineered will be used for battery brackets and rates will depend on the plastic type, ap-
polymers will be counterweighed by the housings in the EVs. plications in the automobiles, interpoly-
industry’s emphasis on light weighting, Polypropylene demand will continue mer substitution, as well as recycling
resulting in smaller and lighter compo- to grow as it nds new applications in e orts in di erent regions. e growth
nents. e light weighting of the bat- car interior and exterior, and under the rates of plastics such as PP, PA, PC and
tery pack in electric vehicles is viewed hood replacing some metal parts. In ad- PE are expected to increase with the in-
as another important trend that will al- dition, growth will also be spurred by troduction of electric vehicles, while the
low EVs to compete with cars using an increased production of EVs, which will consumption of engineering plastics is
internal combustion engine. e entire require lighter parts to help o set the expected to slow down. While India is
structure of the battery pack o ers op- weight of the heavy batteries. PE con- still considered to be growing China is
portunities of light weighting with the sumption has also stayed at as HDPE expected to show higher growth rates
use of engineering polymers and com- gas tanks have already penetrated into than in western countries, as its average
posites. the gasoline tank market, displacing plastics consumption is comparatively
Changes in Polymer Demand Patterns steel in developed countries. Electric
vehicles may, however, use more PE in
e increase in consumption of plastics
25 PLASTICS NEWS June 2022