Page 48 - Platics News June 2022
P. 48
Henkel To Launch Plastic-Free Packaging Smur t Kappa Introduces
Water-Resistant Aquastop
mur t Kappa has introduced a
Ssustainable water-resistant paper
as part of its new TechniPaper port-
folio. Marketed as AquaStop, the
paper features a special coating that
makes it waterproof. e product
has been developed without com-
promising on recyclability and can
be recycled similarly to standard
enkel has revealed plans to launch tic in the stick. Henkel Pritt interna-
paper-based packaging. It is suitable
Hplastic-free blister packaging for tional brand manager Berna Aksu said: for e-commerce packaging and for
its consumer adhesives portfolio world- “For more than 50 years, Pritt has been packaging products that require tem-
wide. Made from at least 85% recycled recognised as a pioneer for sustainable porary protection against water, such
paper, the plastic-free blister packs will innovation, and from today on, we are as owers, detergent and fruit and
be initially used for Henkel’s Pritt glue removing plastics from our packaging vegetables. AquaStop is also suitable
brand. e company will roll out the and o ering at least 85% recycled and for use in humid conditions such as
Pritt glue sticks with the new packag- 100% recyclable blisters. “ e new in the transporting and storage of re-
ing at the start of its annual Back-to- packaging concept with plastic-free frigerated products. Smur t Kappa
School edition under the core theme blister packs will be a real game-chang- Paper Division product development
of the sea over the coming months. er on the market to further drive sus- vice-president Lars Henriksson said:
Pritt also plans to launch the Back- tainable solutions. “After years of devel- “We are very excited about AquaStop
to-School special edition glue sticks opment and various adjustments across and believe it is a truly revolutionary
in metallic blue and orange colours. our supply chains, we are proud to even paper. “We’re expecting AquaStop
Henkel will expand the sustainable go one step further and to present the to interest many of our customers,
packaging to its entire brand portfolio next world´s rst sustainable innova- particularly those who transport
worldwide throughout the rest of this tion to consumers.” In February this goods in more demanding environ-
year. e initiative is in line with the year, Mondi developed a reusable pack- ments, because of the peace of mind
company’s sustainability and packaging aging concept for Henkel’s Pril hand it will give them that their products
targets for 2025 and aims to improve dishwashing products in Germany. e will remain in perfect condition even
the recyclability of products to help packaging concept includes a fully re- if exposed to water. “Our product
create a circular economy. It is expect- cycled and reusable polyethylene tere- development team, along with our
ed to reduce1,000t of plastic every year. phthalate (PET) pump dispenser bottle colleagues in Spain, have created
Traditional Pritt sticks are made with and re lls packed in a recyclable poly- something very special that has supe-
97% natural ingredients, including wa- ethylene (PE) mono-material pouch. rior functionality, whilst at the same
time remaining 100% recyclable.”
ter, and have up to 65% recycled plas-
48 PLASTICS NEWS June 2022