Page 50 - Platics News June 2022
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Siegwerk Develops Improved Deinking For Rigid Hexpol Tpe Expands Its
Plastic Packaging Portfolio With Dry ex
hermoplastic elastomer (TPE)
Tcompounder Hexpol TPE is ex-
panding its range of sustainable ma-
terials with recyclates coming from
post-use maritime ropes. e Swed-
ish compounder has partnered with
Danish plastic recycling company
Plastix for the supply of recyclates
iegwerk has developed a water- crosslinked ink systems, especially at from maritime waste to produce the
Sbased deinking primer for rigid low washing temperatures for sleeves, new Dry ex Circular MWR TPEs.
plastic packaging. e new UV-curing labels, and other printed decoration for Plastix, said Hexpol TPE 31 May,
deinking primer provides a solution to rigid plastic packaging.” Siegwerk’s new converts used shnets, trawls and
converters using a pure UV exo press deinking primer will complement the ropes that would previously have
that are unable process a water-based existing water-based deinking primer, ended up in the ocean or on land-
primer. It is ideal for pressure sensi- which is o cially approved by e As- ll into “high-grade and virgin-like
tive and wrap around labels, as well as sociation of Plastic Recyclers (APR). raw materials.” e Dry ex Circu-
shrink sleeves made of polyole n- and Both these primers allow smooth lar MWR TPEs are available in 40
polyester-based materials. e washing deinking in any hot washing condi- Shore A to 50 Shore D hardnesses
protocols of the European PET Bottle tions currently used in the recycling in- with 10 to 60 % recycled content.
Platform (EPBP) and Association of dustry and do not require a dedicated ey are available in black, blue,
Plastic Recyclers (APR) claimed that ink series, which makes the process green and mint colours. e new
the primer is most compatible with less complex. ey are compliant with materials are the latest addition to
UV-curing inks facilitating quantita- di erent lm materials like cPET, PE, the Dry ex Circular TPE portfolio,
tive deinking. Siegwerk’s new solu- or PP. Besides deinking primers, print- which also includes materials with
tion is applied under bleeding resist- ing inks, and coatings, Siegwerk o ers post-consumer and post-industrial
ant UV-cured ink layers and allows an customers technical services and a val- recyclate. “We are continually in-
inline printing of deinkable materials ue chain to provide an optimised and vestigating new recyclate sources to
in a 100% UV-Flexo press setup. e consistent deinking process. Siegwerk support the shift away from virgin
primer layer, which dissolves in the hot EMEA Narrow Web vice-president materials. “Reutilising what would
washing process, enables the generation Guido Lander said: “Deinking is not a be waste and giving it a new life to
of high-quality, colourless recyclates. product for us, it is a ‘Full Service Of- help keep valuable materials in cir-
e non-bleeding ink formulations fering’, where everything needs [to] tie culation,” said Jill Bradford, global
guarantee a clean and reusable washing together.“ at’s why we follow a holis- marketing manager at Hexpol TPE.
solution. Siegwerk Global Technology tic approach and also o er the execu- According to Bradford, Plastix of-
Development head Ralf Leineweber tion of deinking tests according to the fers ‘evidence-based quality’ prod-
said: “We consider deinking primers most common washing protocols in ucts and has conducted life cycle
as a key lever for smart deinking of our specialised laboratories.” assessment to provide data on the
carbon footprint of its products.
50 PLASTICS NEWS June 2022