Page 49 - Plastics News June 2023
P. 49
tomated ultrasonic cleaning solution cal products and rags, which was The introduction of the ultrasonic
can significan accele time-consuming and required sig- machine and a carefully formulated
cleaning process while achieving ex- nifican effort. wan to fin water-based detergent has led to re-
cellent results. a better cleaning method to enhance duced cleaning times for Aptaca Spa.
productivity. Previously, manual cleaning took 90
Aptaca Spa is a manufacturer of dis-
posable and reusable plastic devices Safetykleen proposed an automatic minutes, but with the new solution it
for laboratories, hospitals, research and ultrasonic cleaning solution cen- only takes 50 minutes. The new ap-
institutes, and the chemical and phar- tred around a 150l ultrasonic parts proach also improves operator safety
maceutical industries. With numerous washer, which Aptaca Spa readily em- by reducing exposure to chemical
plastic injection moulding and blow braced. Ultrasonic waves generated agents because the machine is an en-
moulding presses and a wide range of by the machine create small bubbles closed machine that reuses the clean-
moulds, the company produces items in the washing liquid, burst against ing liquid multiple times before re-
such as test tubes, slides, pipettes, the surface of the mould, effectively placement by Safetykleen's specialist
and containers for medical tests. removing contaminants. An oil sepa- team, which reduces both the use of
rator integrated into the machine han- chemical products and the waste gen-
Previously, Aptaca Spa performed erated.
manual cleaning using various chemi- dles oil contaminants.
New film packaging material is 100% recyclable and VeOC fre
Domestic vacuum cleaning has now
evo to mo filtration w
an seconda filters. com-
mon facto filte tha
they are mostly single use, ideally eas-
ily recyclable and are required in high
As one might imagine, with such a
rang o application fo fi
an filtration, an equa di-
rang o fi materia
and a number of different processes
requ to manufactu fina
elsonic’s Martin Frost, looks filters, sleep apnea machine filters to product. Common filtration materi-
T th di o fil- micro filters for bodily fluids including als include those manufactured from
ter media, their applications, and blood and diagnostic systems. Polyamid (Nylon), Polypropylene and
discusses how ultrasonic welding, Occupational Health is another big Polyester, although for certain appli-
cutting, and sealing processes cations other polymers and material
fo fi protection again par-
have become a key part in the pro- ticles and gases within certain work- combination used. So fil-
duction of different filter types. ters are made up of several different
ing environmen an in addition, fil- materials in a laminate form. This may
Filters are everywhere. A wide range ters are an essential safety items for comprise of a combination of poly-
of industry sectors use different types firefig an operation tog fibrou natura o
of filters within their processing plants to ensure clean breathing air. A num- organic materials such as cotton or
or as part of their manufacturing pro- ber of different filters are also used in specialist papers.
cedures for chemicals, fuels, hydraulic the vehicles we drive, from domestic
oils, water and food products. The cars to mass transportation and earth Filter materials are often classified as
medic secto requ man fi moving vehicles, keeping the oils and woven or non-woven. Non wovens,
products from face masks, respiratory fuel clean and the cabin air pollen free. typically polypropylene, can be pro-
June 2023 PLASTICS NEWS 49